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DivvyCloud enforces security, compliance, and governance policy in your cloud and container based infrastructure.

Below you will find steps on how to deploy DivvyCloud to a Kubernetes cluster.

Before you start

Tool dependencies


The below instructions assumes:

  • That you have a valid kube config file and uses the default context
  • Helm is installed and functional


We have included some convience scripts for installing helm into a raw GKE cluster. Please see the scripts directory.

If your cluster already has helm installed, you only need to install the helm cli on your computer.

For instructions please see the Helm github

Google Quick Start


  • Step 1: Create cloud SQL Db and GKE Cluster
  • Note: Please make sure GKE cluster and CloudSQL Db are in the same region and vpc network
  • Step 2: Create divvy user
    • Eg: create user divvy@'%' identified by 'divvy'
  • Step 3: Create divvy and divvykeys schemas
  • Step 4: Grant privs to divvy divvykeys to divvy user
  • Step 5: Generate GCP Service Account
  • Make sure to add CloudSQL Client permissions to service account
  • Step 6: git clone
  • Step 7: make crd/install
  • Step 8: kubectl create namespace divvycloud
  • Step 9: Create CloudSQLProxy Secret:
kubectl create secret generic -n divvycloud cloudsql-instance-credentials --from-file=credentials.json=[FILE FROM GCP Service account].json

  • Step 10: create value.yaml file See for documentation on available values Standard install you will want to have:

     	useExternalDb: True
     	cloudSQLInstanceName: [Cloud SQL Instance Name]
     	databaseUser: [ divvy user created in step 2]
     	databasePassword: [ divvy password created in step 2]
  • Step 11.A (No helm installed in kube cluster): make app/install-notiller

  • Step 11.B (Helm install in kubecluster): make app/install



We look for values.yaml in the same directory as the Makefile.

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Redis chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
imageName Image Name divvycloud/divvycloud:latest
mysqlInstance Image Name for MySQL db nil
imagePullPolicy Image Pull Policy Always
useExternalDb Use an external Database false
cloudSQLInstanceName GoogleCloudSQL Instance Name. This cannot be used with databaseHost. If using CloudSQLInstance, please follow the directions below for adding a CloudInstnaceCreds json to kubernetes nil
databaseHost Hostname/IP Address of MySQL Server. This cannot be used with cloudSQLInstanceName nil
databasePort Database Port. Do not change if using Google CloudSQL 3306
databaseUser Username that has access to divvy/divvykeys schemas divvy
databasePassword Password paired with above MySQL username divvy
pvcEnabled Use PVC storage for MySQL container (Not necessary if using external Db) true
storageSize Size of PVC Storage 30G
enablePlugins Enable plugins, if enabled plugins/install must be run false
internalLoadBalancer Use GCE Internal load balancer true
autoIngress Use auto-ingress (for Nginx Ingress) false
httpProxy proxy addresses nil
httpsProxy proxy addresses nil
noProxy Addresses that will ignore proxy (if set) nil
replicaCounts.workers Number of workers 8
replicaCounts.interfaceservers Number of interface servers 2
replicaCounts.schedulers Number of schedules 2

Make Commands

Parameter Description
make crd/install Install Application CRD REQUIRED
make app/install Install DivvyCloud using tiller
make app/install-notiller Install DivvyCloud using helm template and deploy with kubectl -f apply
make app/uninstall Uninstall DivvyCloud using tiller
make app/uninstall-notiller Install DivvyCloud using helm template and kubectl
make app/restart Restart the DivvyCloud suite
make plugins/install Upload plugins to kubectl. Place all plugins in ./plugins/ directory prior to running this command. Suite restart is required after deployment. enablePlugins must be true (see above configuration)
make plugins/uninstall Remove uploaded plugins

Using External Database

The values.yaml file located in the divvycloud/ directory allows you to configure your deployment. By default this deployment will use a contanerized version of MySQL and Redis. This is good for kicking the tires, however is not recommended for production environments. The containerized version of MySQL is an ephemeral version and WILL LOOSE ALL DATA if restarted.

Setup DB

DivvyCloud will look for and use two database schemas:

  • divvy
  • divvykeys

After these two schemas are created you will need to create and grant privileges to a MySQL user. For more information on this topic please see our Docs

Google CloudSQL

To use Google Cloud SQL, you will want to uncomment and update the following option in the values.yaml.

The CloudSQLInstanceName can be found on the database information page for the CloudSQL Instance you are using. Once you have the, update the values.yaml:

cloudSQLInstanceName: [Your_CloudSQLInstanceName_]

You must also upload a your cloudsql instance credentials (Aka ServiceAccount JSON) to kubernetes. Once a CloudSQLInstance has been provisioned and a service account created, run the following command:

kubectl create secret generic cloudsql-instance-credentials --namespace divvycloud\
    --from-file=credentials.json=[path to json file created for service account]

Information for creating a GCP Service Account that has access to GoogleCloudSQL please read the following instructions. Please follow steps 1-5.1 from the following instructions:

[Google CloudSQL Documentation] (

There is no need to perform step 5.2 (cloudsql-db-credentials) , as we will use variables below to set username and password.

Using Plugins

To use plugins, simply put your uncompressed plugin into the plugins/ directory. Once that is done , you can use the make command to zip and upload all the plugins to kubernetes.

make plugins/install 

Once this is done, you will need to add enablePlugins to your values.yaml

enablePlugins: true

After updating the values.yaml, simply run the make app/install command. If you have already deployed, the install command will simply update the containers in place - no need to delete and re-install.


Once you have modified the values.yml (optional), you can install DivvyCloud by running two commands:

make crd/install
make app/install 

Connecting to admin console

By default DivvyCloud is only accessible from inside the kube cluster. As a result we must setup a port forward

kubectl port-forward svc/divvycloud-interfaceserver 8001

Next open http://localhost:8001/ in your web browser

Backup / Restore of internal MySQL

MySQL dump and the MySQL client are used to backlup and restore a DivvyCloud database. First you need to get the IP address of the mysql service in your k8s deployment

  MYSQL_IP=$(kubectl get \
    --namespace default \
    svc divvycloud-mysql\
    -o jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP})

Next use the username and password

kubectl get secret divvycloud-secret -o jsonpath={'.data.DIVVY_DB_USER'}  | base64 -D
kubectl get secret divvycloud-secret -o jsonpath={'.data.DIVVY_DB_PASSWORD'}  | base64 -D

Finally to backup a database:

mysqldump -u [MYSQL_USER] -p -h [MYSQL_IP] divvy > divvy.sql
mysqldump -u [MYSQL_USER] -p -h [MYSQL_IP] divvykeys > divvykeys.sql

To restore a database:

mysql -u [MYSQL_USER] -p -h [MYSQL_IP] divvy < divvy.sql
mysql -u [MYSQL_USER] -p -h [MYSQL_IP] divvykeys < divvykeys.sql


DivvyCloud Kubernetes Helm Chart






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  • Makefile 41.0%
  • Shell 31.8%
  • Smarty 27.2%