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SciCMS Client

Client web application for headless content management system SciCMS Core.

Initially, the system was created as an integration basis for managing data from various sources in industrial enterprises. SciCMS (short for Scientific CMS) focuses on supporting high-tech industries. In such industries, the product lifecycle is characterized by a large amount of data with a complex multi-level structure. Additionally, there are a number of requirements for versioning and multilingual records, as well as the possibility of consolidating data from various sources. The development of the system was influenced by projects such as Aras Innovator and Strapi.

Main features of the system

  • simple and flexible management of stored data structures;
  • wide range of data types;
  • support for data versioning;
  • multilingual support;
  • support for multiple data sources;
  • support for relationships between stored Items (one-to-one, many-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many);
  • access control at the record level;
  • a mechanism for blocking records from being changed by other users;
  • user authentication locally and using the OAuth2 protocol;
  • support for storing files both in the local file system and in S3;
  • lifecycle hooks of stored Items;
  • tools for creating analytical reporting;
  • extensibility of the interface and business logic of the application through plug-ins.

Get Started

Before starting work, it is recommended to read the SciCMS Core server documentation.


SciCMS Client is a React application written in Typescript. The Create React App environment is used for building. Ant Design was selected as the UI framework.

Before the first launch, we need to install dependencies with the yarn install command (in the project's working directory).

The following commands are available:

  • yarn start-rewired - local launch; the application will be opened in the browser at http://localhost:3000; when changes are made to the source code, the page will automatically reload; linter errors and warnings will be displayed in the terminal;
  • yarn test - launching tests;
  • yarn build - building of an optimized bundle for industrial use.


The login form has two tabs: System and OAuth2. The first one is used to log in with a local account, the second one - using the OAuth2 protocol.

Login form

The first login can be done with the local account root and password master. This administrative account is created automatically on the SciCMS Core server upon first launch. To log in using the OAuth2 protocol, we must first configure the server.

Basic settings

The application configuration files are located in the src/config folder. The main program settings are the SciCMS Core server URL and the interface language. The easiest (and recommended) way to change them is to use environment variables:

  • REACT_APP_CORE_URL - SciCMS Core server URL (default value is http://localhost:8079, corresponds to a locally running server instance);
  • REACT_APP_I18N_LNG - interface language (default value - en-US); currently available values ​​are en-US and ru-RU.

Variables can be set in .env files for different environments, see documentation for more details.

Other settings can be set directly in configuration files in the src/config directory.


Application localization files are located in the src/i18n and src/i18n/custom directories. Currently, localizations have been implemented for English and Russian languages.

Operations with Items

The central concept in SciCMS is Item. In the object-oriented programming analogy, an Item is a class (a description of fields and methods), and a record for a given Item is an instance of a class (specific data). For more information about Items and the SciCMS data model, see SciCMS Core documentation.

To work with Items, we need select the menu item Administration/Items, a tab will open with a list of available Items. To create an Item, in the tab with the list of Items, click the Create button. For example, to create a book Item in the edit form, we need to fill in the fields Name, Plural Name, Table Name and add the name and rating attributes:

Creating an Item

For more information about Item attributes, see the Items Management section. After clicking the Save button, we must re-enter the application (a corresponding dialog box with a suggestion will be displayed).

To view and edit an Item, double-click on the selected line in the list tab. Editing is carried out in three stages: locking by pressing the Edit button, editing itself, and unlocking by pressing the Save button. This behavior is set for all Items in the system by default and can be changed if the Not Lockable flag is enabled on the Item edit form. In this case, there will only be a Save button and the form fields will always be available for editing. Updating system Items (with the core = true flag) is prohibited.

Deleting can be done either from the editing form, or on the tab with the list by calling the context menu of the Item.

Working with a table list

Lists in SciCMS have tools for filtering, sorting and pagination. At the top of the table there is a row with filters for each column. Filters are combined according to the AND condition. The way filters work depends on the type of column:

  • for string types, a partial match is searched without regard to case;
  • for numeric types, a literal comparison is made;
  • for the Boolean type, valid filter values ​​are: 1, 0, true, false, yes, no, y, n;
  • the filter for the date type can accept the following formats: 31.12.2023, 2023-12-31 (filter by range of 1 day); 12.2023, 2023-12 (filter by range of 1 month); 2023 (filter by 1 year range);
  • the filter for the time type can accept the following formats: 23:59 (filter by range of 1 minute); 23 (filter by 1 hour range);
  • the filter for the datetime and timestamp types can accept the following formats: 31.12.2023 23:59, 2023-12-31 23:59 (filter by range of 1 minute); 31.12.2023 23, 2023-12-31 23 (filter by 1 hour range); 31.12.2023, 2023-12-31 (filter by range of 1 day); 12.2023, 2023-12 (filter by range of 1 month); 2023 (filter by 1 year range);
  • for relationships of type oneToOne and manyToOne, a partial match is searched for the title attribute, case insensitive; the title attribute is set in the titleAttribute field of the Item (if not set, the identifier is used).

Application menu

To work with newly created Items, we need to add them to the application menu. To do this, we need to either edit the file src/config/menu.ts or add a configuration parameter menu with type json and a similar value as a JSON object. Configuration parameters are managed from the Administration/Settings menu. The menu configuration object with the new category and book Item is shown below. Each item in the items list is either a selectable menu item or a category.

const menuConfig: MenuConfig = {
  items: [{
    key: 'administration',
    label: 'Administration',
    icon: 'CrownOutlined',
    roles: [ROLE_ADMIN],
    children: [{
      itemName: 'property'
    }, {
      key: 'security',
      label: 'Security',
      icon: 'LockOutlined',
      roles: [ROLE_ADMIN],
      children: [{
        itemName: 'group'
      }, {
        itemName: 'user'
      }, {
        itemName: 'permission'
      }, {
        itemName: 'identity'
    }, {
      key: 'storage',
      label: 'Storage',
      icon: 'FaDatabase',
      roles: [ROLE_ADMIN],
      children: [{
        itemName: 'datasource'
      }, {
        itemName: 'media'
    }, {
      itemName: 'itemTemplate'
    }, {
      itemName: 'item'
  }, {
    key: 'analysis',
    label: 'Analysis',
    icon: 'PieChartOutlined',
    children: [{
      itemName: 'dataset'
    }, {
      itemName: 'dashboard'
    }, {
      itemName: 'dashboardCategory'
  }, {
    key: 'library',
    label: 'Library',
    children: [{
      itemName: 'book'

The selected menu item contains a single field itemName - the name of the Item. The action when clicking on a menu item is to open a tab with a list of records for the specified Item. The contents of the list page (like many others) can also be overridden through the extensions mechanism.

The menu category contains the following fields:

  • key - unique string key of the category;
  • label - display name of the category (localized string);
  • icon - category icon (optional field);
  • roles - roles for which the category is available; for more information about roles, see SciCMS Core documentation;
  • children - child categories/items.

After saving the menu and refreshing the page, it should look like this:

Application Menu

When we select the Library/Books item, a list of Items with a standard set of operations will open.

Additional resources

Items management


Items lifecycle

Analytics tools



SciCMS Client



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