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STEPS Parser


This repository contains the companion code for STEPS, the modular Universal Dependencies parser described in the paper

Stefan Grünewald, Annemarie Friedrich, and Jonas Kuhn (2020): Applying Occam's Razor to Transformer-Based Dependency Parsing: What Works, What Doesn't, and What is Really Necessary. arXiv:2010.12699

The code allows users to reproduce and extend the results reported in the study. Please cite the above paper when using our code, and direct any questions or feedback regarding our parser at Stefan Grünewald.

Disclaimer: Purpose of the Project

This software is a research prototype, solely developed for and published as part of the publication cited above. It will neither be maintained nor monitored in any way.

STEPS parser architecture

Project Structure

The repository has the following directory structure:

    configs/                            Example configuration files for the parser
        corpora/                        Folder to put training/validation UD corpora
            en_ewt/                     Folder for English-EWT corpus files
            lv_lvtb/                    Folder for Latvian-LVTB corpus files
           Script for downloading example corpus files (English-EWT, Latvian-LVTB)
        Script for replacing lexical material in enhanced dependency labels with placeholders in a UD corpus
        pretrained-embeddings/          Folder for pre-trained word embeddings
        Script for downloading pre-trained word embeddings
        saved_models/                   Folder for saved models
            Script for downloading trained parser models (forthcoming)
        data_handling/                  Code for processing dependency-annotated sentence data
        logger/                         Code for logging (--> boring)
        models/                         Actual model code (parser, classifier)
            embeddings/                 Code for handling contextualized word embeddings
            outputs/                    Code for output modules (arc scorer, label scorer etc.)
            post_processing/            Dependency tree/graph post-processing
               The main class for computing outputs from input embeddings
        trainer/                        Training logic, loss scheduling, evaluation
        util/                           Util scripts, e.g. for maximum spanning trees and label lexicalization                  Initialization of model, trainer, and data loaders                 Main script for parsing UD corpora using a trained model                    Main script for parsing raw text using a trained model                        Main script for training models
    environment.yml                     Conda environment file for STEPS

Using the Parser


STEPS requires the following dependencies:

You can install all the above dependencies easily using Conda and the environment.yml file provided by us:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate stepsenv

For post-training evaluation, you will also need to download the and scripts and replace the respective placeholder files in src/util/ with them. Note that we are not distributing these files with our code due to licensing complications.

Example corpus files (English-EWT, Latvian-LVTB) and example transformer language models (mBERT, XLM-R-large) can be downloaded by running the and scripts in the respective folders.

Note: Since the model files are quite large, the downloads might take a long time depending on your internet connection. You may want to edit the download scripts in order to download only the particular models you are actually interested in (see comments in the respective scripts).

Training Models

To train your own parser model, run python src/ [CONFIG_PATH] -e [EVALUATION_MODE].

We have provided two example configuration files to get started:

  • English-EWT, basic dependencies, mBERT: python src/ configs/en-basic-mbert.json -e basic
  • Latvian-LVTB, enhanced dependencies, XLM-R: python src/ configs/lv-enhanced-xlmr.json -e enhanced

(Note: Training is GPU memory intensive, particularly for the XLM-R-large model. If you run out of memory, try reducing the batch_size in the configuration files while lowering the learning rate and raising the number of warmup steps in lr_lambda accordingly.)

For these configurations, you will need to download the example corpora and transformer language models (see above). After training, the respective trained models will be saved to the saved_models folder.

Parsing Corpora Using a Trained Model

To parse a given corpus from a CoNLL-U file, run python src/ [MODEL_DIR] [CORPUS_FILENAME] -o [OUTPUT_FILENAME].

You can also evaluate against the input corpus directly after parsing. To do so, add the following options:

  • -e basic for basic dependency parsing (this will use the script for evaluation)
  • -e enhanced -k 6 7 for enhanced dependency parsing (this will use the script for evaluation and copy over the basic layer annotation columns)

To parse raw text (using the Stanza tokenizer for the provided language code), run python src/ [MODEL_DIR] [LANGUAGE_CODE] [TEXT_CORPUS_FILENAME] -o [OUTPUT_FILENAMEs].

Note: Make sure to download the appropriate Stanza model first (e.g."en", processors="tokenize,mwt")).

Downloading Trained Models

Trained models for STEPS will be released on Zenodo in the coming days. Once all models are available, we will also release a script ( for bulk download.

The table below lists the already available models as well as the observed parsing accuracies on the respective test sets. Language names link to the downloadable model data. Note that the parsing accuracies given in the table differ slightly from the numbers in our paper because we provide only a single model here (usually the best-performing one) instead of an average, and use gold tokenization to evaluate the enhanced models.

Language UD type Language model (E)LAS F1
Arabic basic mBERT 83.98
basic XLM-R 86.61
enhanced XLM-R 81.90
Chinese basic mBERT 84.99
basic XLM-R 88.02
Czech basic mBERT 92.67
basic XLM-R 94.60
enhanced XLM-R 90.15
English basic mBERT 89.26
basic XLM-R 92.00
enhanced XLM-R 90.50
Finnish basic mBERT 89.09
basic XLM-R 94.42
enhanced XLM-R 92.79
German basic mBERT 84.19
basic XLM-R 86.17
Hindi basic mBERT 91.45
basic XLM-R 93.43
Italian basic mBERT 93.24
basic XLM-R 94.99
enhanced XLM-R 92.92
Japanese basic mBERT 92.27
basic XLM-R 94.27
Latvian basic mBERT 85.29
basic XLM-R 92.07
enhanced XLM-R 89.60
Russian basic mBERT 93.78
basic XLM-R 95.31
enhanced XLM-R 94.60


STEPS is open-sourced under the AGPL v3 license. See the LICENSE file for details.

For a list of other open source components included in STEPS, see the file 3rd-party-licenses.txt.

The software, including its dependencies, may be covered by third party rights, including patents. You should not execute this code unless you have obtained the appropriate rights, which the authors are not purporting to give.


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