I've been working on Machine Learning for a while now. I'm more concentrated on the engineering side of things. I love reading papers, and I try publishing occasionally, but I'd much rather use my knowledge of Web to deploy something which has applied significance in real time. Yes, you got me, I love design and am a self proclaimed minimalist. See ya ;) ❤️
- 🌐 Find me here (https://somdev.co)
- 🔭 I’m currently working on learning to improve deployment of Machine Learning models
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Keras & TensorFlow
- 💬 Ask me about Machine Learning, Photography(https://bosecodes.github.io/serenity/), Music
- 📫 Reach me @ somdevbasu100@gmail.com
- ⚡ Fun fact: I'm more productive after strumming my guitar