The goal of Markup is to create an intuitive language able to create form elements, where content might be more interactive. Hence the 'up'. Markdown is known to render read-only text aptly, but has been Marksup's inspiration.
With simplicity in mind, there are certain assumptions made:
- Elements will be created top down, each element written on a new line
- Certain assumptions are made when it comes to the attributes of the elements
Let's dive into an example
Choose an Email ?
Choose a password
Describe why you want to register
Which of these features will you need?
- simplicity
- easy to use from a mobile
This should generate the following HTML when compiled ( make test )
Choose an Email ?
<input type="text" name="Choose an Email ?"/>
Choose a password
<input type="password" name="Choose a password"/>
Describe why you want to register
<textarea name="Describe why you want to register"><textarea>
<input type="button" value="ok" />
Currently Markup supports
Text Input( single line input)
Text Area ( multi-line input)
______ ( use 2 or more consecutive lines of underscores )
Password field
[caption] ( will create a button with the label caption )
Marksup is free software, available under the terms of a BSD-style open source license.
You can find out more about Markdown, the inspiration for this language here http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/