BiBiGrid is a tool for an easy cluster setup inside a cloud environment. It is written in Java and run on any OS a Java runtime is provided - any Java 8 is supported. BiBiGrid and its Cmdline UI based on a general cloud provider api. Currently there exists implementations for Amazon (AWS EC2 using the official AWS SDK) and OpenStack (openstack4j). BiBiGrid offers an easy configuration and maintenance of a started cluster via command-line.
BiBiGrid instance images are based on a standard Ubuntu 14.04 LTS distribution with a preinstalled software for Grid Computing, distributed databases and filesystems and many more. During resource instantiation BiBigrid configures the network, local and network volumes , (network) file systems and the preinstalled software for an immediately usage of the started cluster. A full configured and ready to use cluster is available within a few minutes.
Java >= 8 and Maven >= 3.0.4 is required to build and run BiBiGrid.
> git clone
> cd bibigrid
> mvn clean package
java -jar BiBiGrid-1.0.jar <options>
See homepage for a more detail usage description