A collection of common keywords or commands a user might use while interacting with a bot
Use these to create pattern matching systems OR to seed your training data for a machine learning system
You'll need to run your node app with ES6. Start by installing :
npm install --save-dev babel
npm install babel-cli --save-dev
npm install babel-preset-es2015 --save-dev
npm install babel-preset-env --save-dev
Clone the bot-lang repo and import
import lang from './path/to/bot-lang/src'
var cleanedString = lang.clean.all(string)
// Removes extra spaces
// lang.clean.all('this is spaced out')
// => 'this is spaced out'
// Fix numbers
// lang.clean.all('how much is 1,000.00')
// => 'how much is 1000.00'
// Fix Unicode characters
// lang.clean.all('œ')
// => ''
var cleanedString = lang.replace.all(string)
// replace subsitutes
// lang.replace.all('Nov 1st I weighed 90 kgs. total')
// => 'November 1st I weighed 90 kilograms total'
// expand contractions
// lang.replace.all("I'll listen to y'all")
// => 'I will listen to you all'
// swap british / canadian words'
// lang.replace.all('armour axe coloured gold')
// => 'armor ax colored gold'
// fix spelling
// lang.replace.all('are we sceduled thrsday for teh restraunt')
// => 'are we scheduled Thursday for the restaurant'
Add new keywords to the keywords folder as a text file. Add as many variations of that keyword as you can!
Find an existing keyword and add more variations!