Log the files you worked on in your daily journal automatically. When a .norg
file is written to the following will be added to your journal:
* Worklog
** workspace-name
- {:$workspace-name/path/to/file.norg:}[metadata title]
** journal
- {:$journals/daily/2024-07-29:}[2024-07-29]
** config.default_workspace_title (.norg files not within a workspace)
- {:/Absolute/path/to/file.norg:}[title]
Worklog entries are separated by dirman workspace name.
Rocks.nvim 🗿
:Rocks install neorg-worklog
-- neorg.lua
lazy = false,
version = "*",
config = true,
dependencies = {
{ "bottd/neorg-worklog" }
["external.worklog"] = {
-- default config
config = {
-- (Optional) Title for worklog in journal
heading = "Worklog",
-- (Optional) Title for "default" workspace
default_workspace_title = "default"
- Notification of today's journal being written in status line
- Sort workspace headings
- Sort file links
- Separate files created and files modified