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A Stronger ADVENT

Using A Better ADVENT mod as a base, I'm trying to balance the aliens my way. It does include things like stats, loadout, abilities, ai or even new units.



Enemy Stat Rookie Veteran Commander Legend
Sectoid Soldier Prime Offense 60 -> 80 60 -> 80 60 -> 80 60 -> 80
HP 12 -> 12 14 -> 16 16 -> 20 18 -> 24
ADVENT Sniper Offense 65 -> 70 65 -> 70 65 -> 70 65 -> 70
Advanced Sniper Offense 70 -> 80 70 -> 80 70 -> 80 70 -> 80
Elite Sniper Offense 75 -> 90 75 -> 90 75 -> 90 75 -> 90
Muton Prime Armor 3 -> 4 3 -> 4 3 -> 4 3 -> 4
Defense 10 -> 20 10 -> 20 10 -> 20 10 -> 20
HP 16 -> 16 18 -> 19 20 -> 22 22 -> 25
Berserker Prime HP 20 -> 24 24 -> 28 28 -> 32 32 -> 36
Crit-Chance 10 -> 15 10 -> 15 10 -> 15 10 -> 15
Firestarter Prime HP 20 -> 24 24 -> 28 28 -> 32 32 -> 36
Crit-Chance 10 -> 15 10 -> 15 10 -> 15 10 -> 15
Berserker Crit-Chance 10 -> 15 10 -> 15 10 -> 15 10 -> 15
Firestarter Crit-Chance 10 -> 15 10 -> 15 10 -> 15 10 -> 15
Andromedon Prime Defense 10 -> 15 10 -> 15 10 -> 15 10 -> 15
HP 20 -> 24 23 -> 27 26 -> 30 29 -> 33
Offense 70 -> 80 70 -> 80 70 -> 80 70 -> 80
Andromedon Prime Shell Mobility 12 -> 15 12 -> 15 12 -> 15 12 -> 15
HP 14 -> 24 16 -> 26 18 -> 28 20 -> 30
Sectopod Prime Armor 5 -> 7 5 -> 7 5 -> 7 5 -> 7
Defense -10 -> 20 -10 -> 20 -10 -> 20 -10 -> 20
HP 32 -> 40 37 -> 45 42 -> 50 47 -> 55
Gatekeeper Prime Armor 4 -> 4 4 -> 5 4 -> 6 4 -> 7
Defense 0 -> 15 0 -> 15 0 -> 15 0 -> 15
Mobility 12 -> 16 12 -> 16 12 -> 16 12 -> 16
Will 100 -> 200 100 -> 200 100 -> 200 100 -> 200
Shadow Prime Offense 85 85 85 85
HP 12 14 16 18
Armor 2 2 2 2
Defense 5 5 5 5


  • Archon Prime is now able to perform Icarus Drop.
  • Archon Valkyrie can dash and slash.
  • Berserker's Devastating Punch deals damage on miss (+2 damage).
  • Berserkers (vanilla and A Better ADVENT variants) now have Melee Resistance (-1 damage).
  • Codex Prime will not lose Health when cloning.
  • Muton Infector and Pyro can now Counterattack.
  • Muton Prime can now use War Cry, which gives aim, will and mobility boost to allies.
  • Muton Prime now have Beastmaster, which prevents it to take damage from units of type Berserker.
  • Sectoid Soldier have Melee Vulnerability, until he wears something.
  • Sectoid Soldier Prime have Melee Vulnerability, until he wears something ( buffed his HP ).
  • Sectopod Prime can trigger Lightning Storm if an enemy approaches its melee range.
  • Spectre's Vanish ability is now a free action.


  • Muton Pyro are equiped with an Incendiary grenade.
  • Muton Infector are equiped with a Gas grenade.
  • Are equiped with a pistol:
    • ADVENT Purifier (M1 Pistol).
    • Advanced Purifier (M2 Pistol).
    • Elite Purifier (M3 Pistol).
  • Are equiped with AP rounds:
    • Advanced Guardian.
    • Elite Guardian
    • Advanced Sharpshooter.
    • Elite Sharpshooter.
  • Are equiped with Talon rounds:
    • Advanced Assault.
    • Advanced Striker.
    • Elite Assault.
    • Elite Striker.


  • The Spectre will now use Vanish after Shadowbind.
  • The Spectre Prime will now use Vanish after Shadowbind.
  • The Priest will prioritize using Holy Warrior on your Mind Controlled units.
  • Units are more likely to use grenades.
  • Purifier will attack the mimic beacon with his pistol.
  • Units on fire will try to remove it by hunkering down if using ADVENT Avenger's Everyone Gets Hunker Down mod.


  • Spectre Prime will now create a Shadow Prime.
  • New look for Spectre Prime and Shadow Prime.