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How to get a pdf

A pdf is uploaded for every release of the paper:

See instructions below to create a pdf for the current version.

How to contribute

Fork the repository, edit boutiquespaper.tex and biblio.bib, and make a pull-request.

Add your name and affiliation to the list of co-authors. Contact if you feel that the list or order of authors should be amended.

Examples of valid contributions: support Boutiques in your platform, port applications to Boutiques, contribute to the Boutiques tools or schema.

How to give feedback

  • General comments: create an issue in this repository.
  • Detail comments in the paper: use command \note in boutiquespaper.tex as follows: \note{John}{This is a comment}.

How to generate the pdf

(You may edit boutiquespaper.tex without generating the pdf if you don't manage to).

Method 1: Make

  1. Install pdflatex and bibtex
  2. Type make to compile the document and bibliography.
  3. Before committing, type make clean to remove extra temporary files

Method 2: Manual

  1. Install pdflatex and bibtex
  2. Compile the document: pdflatex -shell-escape boutiquespaper ; pdflatex -shell-escape boutiquespaper (yes, twice).
  3. Generate the bibliography: bibtex boutiquespaper ; pdflatex -shell-escape boutiquespaper (yes, once again).

Latex installation

  • On Linux Fedora 24: dnf install texlive-bin texlive-bibtex-bin texlive-minted texlive-pdfcomment texlive-collection-fontsrecommended texlive-algorithmicx texlive-framed.