This toolbox was created by Andrew Bowen ( at East Tennessee State University as part of a Master's thesis project. The toolboxes contain arcpy scripts that convert raster datasets containing annual average minimum temperatures (BIO 6) to a Plant Hardiness Zone Map.
Reclassifies raster layer in current map. Also takes filepath raster input.
- Raster to Reclassify - Single-band raster that contains average annual minimum temperatures.
- Output Directory - Directory to save output raster file to.
- Colormap - Color coding to use with the output zones. See (bathymetric.clr link).
This script tool targets WorldClim data; reclassifies raster files that contain multiple raster bands, each (band) corresponding to a bioclimatic variable. This tool seeks out the BIO_6 band, which corresponds to extreme minimum temperature.
- Directory - The directory containing the multi-band TIF files. Each TIF file should contain the BIO_6 band for the tool to work.
- Colormap - Color coding to use with the output zones. See (bathymetric.clr link).
This script tool targets PaleoClim data; reclassifies raster files that represnet bioclimatic variables. This tool seeks out folders containing bio_6 GeoTIFF files to reclassify.
- Directory - The superdirectory containing the subdirectories, each corresponding to a time frame and itself containing a TIF file. This tool searches for the TIF file entitled "bio_6.tif".
- Colormap - Color coding to use with the output zones. See (bathymetric.clr link).
There are two similar toolboxes included: autoclip and non-autoclip. The differences are noted below.
These scripts will produce Plant Hardiness Zone Maps (PHZMs) of the same coverage of the original input raster file.
These scripts take an additional input parameter: a shapefile layer to clip the output data. Otherwise are the same as the Non-Autoclip Scripts.