- Keywords that perform a system wait or sleep (_Delay, _Limit, Sleep) do not wait correctly when called from a Sub
- Keywords that perform a system wait (_Delay, _Limit, Sleep, Print, Input, Line Input) error when called from a Function
- Array declaration (Dim/ReDim)
- (x To y) syntax not supported at present (e.g. Dim myArray(0 To 10))
- Multi-dimensional arrays are not initialized correctly unless using the "Dim As Type" format (e.g. Dim As Integer myArray(10, 20))
- Improved support for standard key mappings for InKey$, _KeyDown and _KeyHit methods
- Single-line If/Then/Else statements are not converted correctly
- Single-line If/Then statements with ":" to combine additional lines do not work correctly
- Implement color table for the various screen modes so the simple indexed color numbers can be used in addition to colors defined with _RGB(32)
- Add support for QB64 image handling methods (_NewImage, _LoadImage, _PutImage, _CopyImage, _FreeImage)
- Improved runtime error reporting