QBJS 0.3.0 - Beyond the Screen!
- Cls is not resetting the text location to the top left of the screen.
- _FreeImage is being reported as an unrecognized method
- Using the "Call" keyword to call a sub with no arguments causes an error
- Add parameter to launch QBJS in "Play" mode with no IDE (mode=play or mode=auto)
- Add mode selection on the share dialog to automatically add this parameter to the generated URL
- Add support for additional string keywords:
- String$, Space$, Cvi, Cvl, Mki$, Mkl$
- Add support for basic sound keywords:
- _SndOpen, _SndClose, _SndPlay, _SndLoop, _SndVol, _SndPause, _SndStop
- Add Keywords to interact with the HTML Page / Browser
- Add DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation and event keywords:
DomCreate, DomAdd, DomRemove, DomGet, DomGetImage, DomContainer, DomEvent - Added support for standard web page message boxes:
Alert, Confirm, Prompt - Added support for browser persistent and session storage:
StorageClear, StorageGet, StorageKey, StorageLength, StorageSet, StorageRemove
- Add DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation and event keywords:
- Add support for detecting browser window resize:
- Implement keywords: _Resize, _ResizeWidth, _ResizeHeight