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Releases: bpcurse/nextcloud-userexport

Maintenance release

05 May 21:28
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New Features:

  • New config options to set default columns and preselect filter group

Bug fixes:

  • Minor fixes in filter preselection
  • Avoid unwanted groupfolder quota accumulation in statistics

Other Changes:

  • Remember filter settings throughout sessions

Export and email filters (group, last login, quota), security hardening

15 Apr 16:17
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New Features:

  • Filters: The displayed user list and the downloadable csv files can be filtered by group membership, last login (time period) and used quota in gigabytes (can be combined). Filters are also available in the email menu.
  • If no protocol is provided, the cloud URL will be prepended with https:// instead of stopping the script
  • A new option has been added to choose if column headers should be added to the downloadable csv files [default: yes]

Bug fixes:

  • In groupfolders view there was only one manager shown per folder even if there were in fact several

Other Changes:

  • Code optimization
  • Security hardening (secure session cookie, security headers, session times out after 1h)
  • Minor visual optimizations
  • Technical change in providing the mailto: string (as header, javascript not needed anymore)

Localization, custom UI colors, groupfolders and statistical data

09 Mar 13:09
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New Features:

  • Localization: It is now possible to translate this software by adding {ISO language code}.php files to l10n directory. The UI language can be selected in config.php.
    English and German language files are included in this version.
  • The color scheme of the user interface can be defined in config.php. Easily adapt it to colors used in your corporate design (CD).
  • New (calculated) data option: 'Quota (used) in %' can be selected and will be shown in tables next to 'quota (used)'
  • The number of users belonging to a certain group is shown next to the group ID.
  • Support for groupfolders
  • A simple statistics page has been added

Other Changes:

  • Renamed external css file to 'style.php' for configuration options to be applied
  • A logout menu option has been added to remove all session data
  • Code optimization

New design, workflow and optimized code

03 Mar 16:36
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New Features:

  • Top navigation bar, different views
  • group/user listing
  • group list download
  • New workflow (users and groups are imported once from the server, afterwards views can be switched and data can be selected)
  • Sort tables by clicking on column headers (does not work with quota columns)

Other Changes:

  • Many code optimizations and better documentation
  • Make use of external css (style.css file)

Last maintenance release (before v1.0.0)

12 Feb 18:34
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Since v1.0.0 will be a major rewrite this is the last maintenance release in the old look.

New features:

  • Added GET parameter select to prefill data export options

Other changes:

  • Minor enhancements on startpage

Error handling and selection of data types through GET parameters

06 Feb 16:16
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New features:

  • Added data selection through GET parameter select

Other changes:

  • Handling of cURL errors and statuscodes returned by the user metadata OCS API

Handle spaces in login IDs

13 Jan 12:02
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Bug fixes:

  • The script now properly encodes spaces in login IDs for use with cURL requests

Other changes:

  • First steps towards error handling (Handle statuscode 997 [unauthorised])

Data selection

05 Jan 06:36
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New features:

  • Select which data to export through checkboxes on the startpage (incl. group memberships)

Other changes:

  • Code has been commented thoroughly and cleaned up
  • POST requests use the same names as Nextcloud's user metadata OCS API
  • The results table design has been polished a little

Enhanced performance through curl_multi_*

03 Jan 00:13
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New features:

  • The use of curl_multi_* reduces total transfer time roughly by factor 5 compared to v0.1.0
  • A download button serving the .csv file has been integrated on the results page
  • Simple mass mailing is possible by clicking on another button (provides a mailto: string)

First release

31 Dec 16:54
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  • Enter URL, username and password through an html form, GET parameters or both
  • Some protection against accidentally using unsecured connections to target instance
  • Option to override the above https:// check
  • Fetch data through Nextcloud's user metadata OCS API using curl
  • Choose between the following options:
    • Display user list with userid, displayname, email, lastLogin (these columns are hardcoded at the moment) as
      • html formatted table
      • csv formatted list
    • Download list as .csv file

In development for future versions:

  • Choose which columns to display/download (and provide more metadata categories like quota or group membership)
  • Download only users belonging to certain groups
  • Error handling to provide specific error messages on typos, etc instead of multiple obscure php error messages