A library which adds methods to DBCollection to facilitate archiving documents in a MongoDB collection to another MongoDB database. This library supports two modes of archiving: immediate archiving, and a mark & sweep approach which allows you to queue documents to archive, and perform the actual archiving at a later time.
Assume we have a large collection of ad clicks which are associated with ads. We want to archive clicks which are associated with ads which expired more than 3 months ago.
Save the following to a file named archive_clicks.js
in the same directory that you saved archive.js
threeMonthsAgo = new Date();
expiredAdIds = [];
getExpiredAds = function(ad) {expiredAdIds.push(ad._id.str);}
db.ads.find({end_date: {$lte: threeMonthsAgo}}).forEach(getExpiredAds);
archiveConnection = new Mongo("localhost:27018");
archiveDB = archiveConnection.getDB("archive");
archiveCollection = archiveDB.getCollection("clicks");
for (var i = 0; i < expiredAdIds.length; i++) {
print("archiving clicks for ad_id: " + expiredAdIds[i]);
db.clicks.archive({"ad_id": expiredAdIds[i]}, archiveCollection);
Run this script using the mongo shell:
mongo localhost:27017/mydb archive_clicks.js
Save the following to a file named queue_clicks_for_archive.js
in the same directory that you saved archive.js
threeMonthsAgo = new Date();
expiredAdIds = [];
getExpiredAds = function(ad) {expiredAdIds.push(ad._id.str);}
db.ads.find({end_date: {$lte: threeMonthsAgo}}).forEach(getExpiredAds);
archiveConnection = new Mongo("localhost:27018");
archiveDB = archiveConnection.getDB("archive");
archiveCollection = archiveDB.getCollection("clicks");
for (var i = 0; i < expiredAdIds.length; i++) {
print("queuing clicks for ad " + expiredAdIds[i] + " for archive");
db.clicks.queueForArchive({"ad_id": expiredAdIds[i]});
Save the following to a file named archive_queued_clicks.js
in the same directory that you saved archive.js
threeMonthsAgo = new Date();
expiredAdIds = [];
getExpiredAds = function(ad) {expiredAdIds.push(ad._id.str);}
db.ads.find({end_date: {$lte: threeMonthsAgo}}).forEach(getExpiredAds);
archiveConnection = new Mongo("localhost:27018");
archiveDB = archiveConnection.getDB("archive");
archiveCollection = archiveDB.getCollection("clicks");
for (var i = 0; i < expiredAdIds.length; i++) {
print("archiving clicks queued for archive for ad_id: " + expiredAdIds[i]);
To queue documents to be archived, run the queue_clicks_for_archive.js
script using the mongo shell:
mongo localhost:27017/mydb queue_clicks_for_archive.js
Then at a later time, to archive any queued documents, run the archive_queued_clicks.js
script using the mongo shell:
mongo localhost:27017/mydb archive_queued_clicks.js