Install python 3
Have a word list of 5 letter words that is alphabetically ordered.
open a terminal in the project directory
run python3 -m bin.main split <path to word list> --output-dir <path to output directory>
on mac
(or windows / linux distro equivalent)
You can find your word list split into a .txt files for each letter of the alphabet in the output directory.
already have txt files in another directory that you want to compare there words to a single file word list (usually used to confirm correct output by the split command above)
open a terminal in the project directory
run python3 -m bin.main verify <path to word list> --output-dir <path to other files dir>
on mac
(or windows / linux distro equivalent)
Will print to terminal
already have txt files in another directory that you want to summarize by taking the first word in each file and putting them into one summary file.
open a terminal in the project directory
run python3 -m bin.main summarize --output-dir <path to other files dir>
on mac
(or windows / linux distro equivalent)
Will save a file named summary_of_words.txt
to your output directory, that contains the first word in each of the files in the output directory given (will also save that file there).
Feel free to add on to this... in fact any time travelers that find out cool ways to speed up reading form files feel free to put up a pr.
already have txt files in another directory that you want to summarize by taking a diverse sample from all those txt files with 5 letter words. Diverse meaning that the program will choose the first word that conflicts the least with the letter's in previously sampled words.
open a terminal in the project directory
run python3 -m bin.main diverse-summarize --output-dir <path to other files dir>
on mac
(or windows / linux distro equivalent)
Will save a file named diverse_sample_summary.txt
to your output directory, that contains the diverse sample mentioned in the requirements section
Feel free to add on to this... in fact any time travelers that find out cool ways to speed up reading form files feel free to put up a pr.