For those who forget what why they bought all the things. Meal planning per configured interval.
Paste a url (allrecipies or whatever) - uses to parse metadata, and load images. Responsive almost to 300px wide (for those who get hungry and want to know whats cookin')
npm install && bower install
to run locally with auto reload (point your front-end to /client/web/app):
grunt server
to build (point your front-end to /client/web/dist):
grunt build
- Yeoman
- Node / Grunt / bower for client builds / deps
- Bootstrap 3
- AngularJs
- Various angular modules (angular-bootstrap / ui)
- ServiceStack (nipples)
- ServiceStack.Ormlite (ORM) / Funq (IOC)
- Sqlite (storing the things)
to run:
- spawn the server in iis / or mono
- from client web in your favorite terminal:
This was a quick project to replace a previous version. The code is not perfect.