A .NET Library to support Triple-S Survey serialization.
The library consists of a set of C# classes to aid in serialization and deserialization of Triple-S XML. The class names and properties match the Triple-S specficiation but with C# styles applied.
Install it with NuGet:
PM> Install-Package Triple-S.NET
Then add the following using declaration where you want to use the classes:
using TripleS.NET;
Load a survey from a file and iterate over the variables:
var filename = "TripleS.Tests.v20.example1.sss";
S3Root root = S3Serializer.FromFile(filename);
foreach (var s3Var in root.Survey.Record.Variables) {
// Do something
Create a Triple-S Survey and serialize to a XML string:
var s3 = new S3Root() {
Origin = "Triple-S.Net",
Date = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(),
Time = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(),
var survey = s3.Survey;
survey.Name = "Triple-S Tests";
survey.Version = "1";
var record = survey.Record;
record.ID = "A";
var variable = record.AddVariable("1", "Q1", S3Type.Single);
variable.AddValue("1", "Red");
variable.AddValue("2", "blue");
variable.AddValue("3", "Green");
string xml = S3Serializer.ToString(s3);
Read a fixed format data file and dump to screen (using LINQPad)
var xml = @"C:\Surveys\180215\180215.xml";
var data = @"C:\Surveys\180215\180215.dat";
int count = 0;
var s3root = S3Serializer.FromFile(xml);
using (var reader = new S3FixedFormatReader(s3root, data)) {
SortedList<string, string> record;
while ((record = reader.ReadNextRecord()) != null) {
foreach (var s3var in s3root.Survey.Record.Variables) {
var value = record[s3var.ID];
$"{s3var.ID} = {value}".Dump();