- Index
- Presentation
- Technology
- Features
- Packages
- Usage
- Commands
- Penguins' eggs official book
- That's all Folks!
penguins-eggs is a console utility, under continuous development, that allows you to remaster your system and redistribute it as iso images.
The purpose of this project is to implement the process of remastering your own version of Linux, generate it as an ISO image to burn to a CD/DVD or copy to a USB stick to boot your system. The default behavior is total removal of the system's data and users, but it is also possible to remaster the system including the data and accounts of present users, use flag --clone. It is also possible to keep the users and files present under an encrypted LUKS file within the same resulting iso file, flag --cryptedclone.
You can easily install the resulting live system with the calamares installer or the internal TUI krill installer. It is possible to have also unattended installation using --unattended flag.
Thanks to the wardrobe, you can create or use scripts to switch from a "naked" version - with only a CLI interface - and "wear" it with a full GUI or server configurations. See penguins-wardrobe, fork it and adapt it to yours needs.
eggs is written in pure typescript and ideally can be used with different Linux distributions. Yes, there are big differences in terms of package manager used, path, etc, but basically the various programs used to build the live are the same. Currently eggs supports: Debian, Devuan, Ubuntu, Arch and ManjaroLinux.
You can read more on the blog, some examples of iso images remastered with eggs are in the sourceforge page of the project.
wardrobe was added to eggs on april 2022, it's is a way to guide and consolidate the process of creating a custom version of Linux, starting from a CLI system. All my personal editions are passed to use wardrobe for their convenience, in that way I can organize, consolidate and manage better my work. I used birds names for my customizations, we have: colibri, duck, eagle, owl, wagtail, warbier and chicks mostly under plastilinux, waydroid or bullseye on eggs' sourceforge page.
I hope peoples will be interested in wardrobe and you will end to fork the main repository and add your customizations: together will be possibile to make great steps impossible for a single developer. You can read more in wardrobe on Penguins' eggs blog.
Addons and themes have been grouped under the penguins-wardrobe, use wardrobe for all your customizations.
You can create your live to distribute it - the default mode - or with datas using clone and clonecrypted:
eggs produce
Completely removes user data from live, this is the preset mode
eggs produce --clone
Saves our users and our data directly in the generated iso. The data will be visible directly from the live and accessible to anyone who gets a copy.
eggs produce --cryptedclone
Saves our data within the generated iso using a LUKS volume. Our data will NOT be visible in the live system but can be reinstalled automatically with krill installer. Even having the generated image available, our data will be protected by the LUKS passphrase.
eggs produce
this is the default: all private data are removed on the live.eggs produce --clone
include all users data UNCRYPTED directly on the live.eggs produce --cryptedclone
include all users data CRYPTED on a LUKS volume inside the iso.
Using krill: sudo eggs install --cli
will automaticaly restore your CRYPTED clone during the installation.
eggs was developed to use calamares as the system installer and allows its customization with themes. It also includes its own installer, called krill, which allows you to produce and install CLI systems such as servers. krill uses a CLI interface that mimics calamares and uses the same configuration files created by eggs for calamares. This provides a "roughly similar" installation experience for both desktop and server installations. With krill it is also possible to have unattended installations, simply by adding the --unattended
flag, the configuration values can be changed in /etc/penguins-eggs.d/krill.yaml
and will then be used for automatic installation.
The cuckoo lays its eggs in the nests of other birds, and the eggs are hatched by the latter. Similarly eggs can start a self-configuring PXE service to allow you to boot and install your iso on third party networked computers. Command cuckoo can be used either to deploy a newly created iso on an installed system or by live booting the iso itself.
I added two built-in assistants with eggs: mom and dad. While mom is a script based on easybashgui that explains the various commands and documentation, dad started as a shortcut to properly configure eggs: just type sudo eggs dad and follow simple instructions. Even faster, using sudo eggs dad -d you will resets the configuration, loads defaults, deletes created isos. At this point, with eggs configured: just type sudo produce to generate your live.
yolk - so called staying on the subject of eggs - is a local repository included in the livecd that contains a minimum of indispensable packages during installation. Thanks to yolk, you can safely install your system without the need of an active internet connection.
Supporting various distributions, we need to have different packages. Debian, Devuan and Ubuntu share the .deb packages of eggs, while for Arch Linux and ManjaroLinux they use their PKGBUILD.
eggs is released deb packages for amd64, armel and arm64 architectures. Due the characteristic of eggs, they can installed in Debian, Devuan or Ubuntu based distros, without worries about different versions, except for the architecture. It include standard scripts for preinst, postinst, prerm and postrm.
There are more than a way to install eggs as .deb package, the most common it's to add and use penguins-eggs-ppa.
eggs have it's repository ppa, You can use it, copy and paste in a terminal window the following two lines:
curl -fsSL https://pieroproietti.github.io/penguins-eggs-ppa/KEY.gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/penguins-eggs.gpg
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)] https://pieroproietti.github.io/penguins-eggs-ppa ./" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/penguins-eggs.list > /dev/null
Update your repositories and install eggs:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install eggs
The simplest way to install eggs is download the package eggs from sourceforge page of the project and install it
sudo dpkg -i eggs_9.4.0_amd64.deb
or, on a i386 system:
sudo dpkg -i eggs_8.17.17-1_i386.deb
If you are using penguins-eggs-ppa You can ugrade eggs as others packages just: sudo apt upgrade, else simply download new versions of eggs from sourgeforge page and install it with the standard command sudo dpkg -i eggs_.9.2.2-1_amd64.deb.
eggs has been present in AUR for a long time, even without my knowledge thanks the support of Arch peoples. I am currently directly maintaining the AUR version of penguins-eggs for Arch, however you can refer to the versions for Arch and manjaro in their respective repositories on github.
To install eggs on Arch, simply git clone https://github.com/pieroproietti/penguins-eggs-arch
, cd penguins-eggs-arch
, then makepkg -si
The same for manjaro: git clone https://github.com/pieroproietti/penguins-eggs-manjaro
, cd penguins-eggs-manjaro
, then makepkg -si
Once the package has been installed, you can have the new eggs
command. Typing eggs
will get the list of commands, typing eggs produce --help
will get the eggs produce command help screen. You can also use the command autocomplete with the TABS key, you will get the possible choices for each command. In addition, there is a man page, so by typing man eggs
you will get that help as well. A more guided approach can be made usind eggs mom
, will present a menu with various commands.
- Create a live system without user data:
sudo eggs produce
- Create a live system with user data uncrypted.
sudo eggs produce --clone
- Create a live system with the encrypted user data.
sudo eggs produce --cryptedclone
At the moment eggs uses the default fast compression, which provides a faster compression speed, for the final compression it is worth using the --max flag to get more compressed ISOs.
In addition to the description of the commands in this README, you can consult the Penguins' eggs official book.
eggs adapt
eggs analyze
eggs autocomplete [SHELL]
eggs calamares
eggs config
eggs cuckoo
eggs dad
eggs export deb
eggs export iso
eggs help [COMMAND]
eggs install
eggs kill
eggs mom
eggs produce
eggs status
eggs syncfrom
eggs syncto
eggs tools clean
eggs tools ppa
eggs tools skel
eggs tools stat
eggs tools yolk
eggs update
eggs version
eggs wardrobe get [REPO]
eggs wardrobe list [WARDROBE]
eggs wardrobe show [COSTUME]
eggs wardrobe wear [COSTUME]
adapt monitor resolution for VM only
$ eggs adapt [-h] [-v]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose
adapt monitor resolution for VM only
$ eggs adapt
See code: dist/commands/adapt.js
analyze for syncto
$ eggs analyze [-h] [-v]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose verbose
analyze for syncto
sudo eggs analyze
See code: dist/commands/analyze.js
display autocomplete installation instructions
$ eggs autocomplete [SHELL] [-r]
SHELL shell type
-r, --refresh-cache Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions)
display autocomplete installation instructions
$ eggs autocomplete
$ eggs autocomplete bash
$ eggs autocomplete zsh
$ eggs autocomplete --refresh-cache
See code: @oclif/plugin-autocomplete
configure calamares or install or configure it
$ eggs calamares [-h] [-i] [-n] [-r] [--remove] [--theme <value>] [-v]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --install install calamares and it's dependencies
-n, --nointeractive no user interaction
-r, --release release: remove calamares and all it's dependencies after the installation
-v, --verbose
--remove remove calamares and it's dependencies
--theme=<value> theme/branding for eggs and calamares
configure calamares or install or configure it
sudo eggs calamares
sudo eggs calamares --install
sudo eggs calamares --install --theme=/path/to/theme
sudo eggs calamares --remove
See code: dist/commands/calamares.js
Configure and install prerequisites deb packages to run it
$ eggs config [-c] [-h] [-n] [-v]
-c, --clean remove old configuration before to create new one
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --nointeractive no user interaction
-v, --verbose verbose
Configure and install prerequisites deb packages to run it
sudo eggs config
sudo eggs config --clean
sudo eggs config --clean --nointeractive
See code: dist/commands/config.js
PXE start with proxy-dhcp
$ eggs cuckoo [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
PXE start with proxy-dhcp
sudo eggs cuckoo
See code: dist/commands/cuckoo.js
ask help from daddy - TUI configuration helper
$ eggs dad [-c] [-d] [-h] [-v]
-c, --clean remove old configuration before to create
-d, --default remove old configuration and force default
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose
ask help from daddy - TUI configuration helper
sudo dad
sudo dad --clean
sudo dad --default
See code: dist/commands/dad.js
export deb/docs/iso to the destination host
$ eggs export deb [-a] [-c] [-h] [-v]
-a, --all export all archs
-c, --clean remove old .deb before to copy
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose verbose
export deb/docs/iso to the destination host
$ eggs export deb
$ eggs export deb --clean
$ eggs export deb --all
export iso in the destination host
$ eggs export iso [-c] [-h] [-v]
-c, --clean delete old ISOs before to copy
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose verbose
export iso in the destination host
$ eggs export iso
$ eggs export iso --clean
Display help for eggs.
$ eggs help [COMMAND] [-n]
COMMAND Command to show help for.
-n, --nested-commands Include all nested commands in the output.
Display help for eggs.
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
krill: the CLI system installer - the egg became a penguin!
$ eggs install [-k] [-c <value>] [-d <value>] [-H] [-h] [-i] [-n] [-N] [-p] [-r] [-s] [-S] [-u] [-v]
-H, --halt Halt the system after installation
-N, --none Swap none: 256M
-S, --suspend Swap suspend: RAM x 2
-c, --custom=<value> custom unattended configuration
-d, --domain=<value> Domain name, defult: .local
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ip hostname as ip, eg: ip-192-168-1-33
-k, --crypted Crypted CLI installation
-n, --nointeractive no user interaction
-p, --pve Proxmox VE install
-r, --random Add random to hostname, eg: colibri-ay412dt
-s, --small Swap small: RAM
-u, --unattended Unattended installation
-v, --verbose Verbose
krill: the CLI system installer - the egg became a penguin!
sudo eggs install
sudo eggs install --unattended
sudo eggs install --custom it
See code: dist/commands/install.js
kill the eggs/free the nest
$ eggs kill [-h] [-n] [-v]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --nointeractive no user interaction
-v, --verbose verbose
kill the eggs/free the nest
sudo eggs kill
See code: dist/commands/kill.js
ask help from mommy - TUI helper
$ eggs mom [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
ask help from mommy - TUI helper
$ eggs mom
See code: dist/commands/mom.js
produce a live image from your system whithout your data
$ eggs produce [--addons <value>] [--basename <value>] [-c] [-C] [-h] [-m] [-n] [-p <value>] [--release]
[-s] [-f] [--theme <value>] [-v] [-y]
-C, --cryptedclone crypted clone
-c, --clone clone
-f, --standard standard compression
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-m, --max max compression
-n, --nointeractive no user interaction
-p, --prefix=<value> prefix
-s, --script script mode. Generate scripts to manage iso build
-v, --verbose verbose
-y, --yolk -y force yolk renew
--addons=<value>... addons to be used: adapt, ichoice, pve, rsupport
--basename=<value> basename
--release release: max compression, remove penguins-eggs and calamares after installation
--theme=<value> theme for livecd, calamares branding and partitions
produce a live image from your system whithout your data
sudo eggs produce
sudo eggs produce --standard
sudo eggs produce --max
sudo eggs produce --max --basename=colibri
sudo eggs produce --cryptedclone
sudo eggs produce --clone
sudo eggs produce --basename=colibri
sudo eggs produce --basename=colibri --theme /path/to/theme --addons adapt
See code: dist/commands/produce.js
informations about eggs status
$ eggs status [-h] [-v]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose
informations about eggs status
$ eggs status
See code: dist/commands/status.js
restore users and user data from a LUKS volumes
$ eggs syncfrom [--delete <value>] [-f <value>] [-h] [-r <value>] [-v]
-f, --file=<value> file LUKS volume encrypted
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-r, --rootdir=<value> rootdir of the installed system, when used from live
-v, --verbose verbose
--delete=<value> rsync --delete delete extraneous files from dest dirs
restore users and user data from a LUKS volumes
sudo eggs syncfrom
sudo eggs syncfrom --file /path/to/fileLUKS
See code: dist/commands/syncfrom.js
saves users and user data in a LUKS volume inside the iso
$ eggs syncto [--delete <value>] [-f <value>] [-h] [-v]
-f, --file=<value> file LUKS volume encrypted
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose verbose
--delete=<value> rsync --delete delete extraneous files from dest dirs
saves users and user data in a LUKS volume inside the iso
sudo eggs syncto
sudo eggs syncto --file /path/to/fileLUKS
See code: dist/commands/syncto.js
clean system log, apt, etc
$ eggs tools clean [-h] [-n] [-v]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --nointeractive no user interaction
-v, --verbose verbose
clean system log, apt, etc
sudo eggs tools clean
add/remove PPA repositories (Debian family)
$ eggs tools ppa [-a] [-h] [-n] [-r] [-v]
-a, --add add penguins-eggs PPA repository
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --nointeractive no user interaction
-r, --remove remove penguins-eggs PPA repository
-v, --verbose verbose
add/remove PPA repositories (Debian family)
sudo eggs tools ppa --add
sudo eggs tools ppa --remove
update skel from home configuration
$ eggs tools skel [-h] [-u <value>] [-v]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-u, --user=<value> user to be used
-v, --verbose
update skel from home configuration
sudo eggs skel
sudo eggs skel --user user-to-be-copied
get statistics from sourceforge
$ eggs tools stat [-h] [-m] [-y]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-m, --month current month
-y, --year current year
get statistics from sourceforge
$ eggs tools stat
$ eggs tools stat --month
$ eggs tools stat --year
configure eggs to install without internet
$ eggs tools yolk [-h] [-v]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose
configure eggs to install without internet
sudo eggs yolk
update the Penguins' eggs tool
$ eggs update [-h] [-v]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose verbose
update the Penguins' eggs tool
$ eggs update
See code: dist/commands/update.js
$ eggs version [--json] [--verbose]
--verbose Show additional information about the CLI.
--json Format output as json.
--verbose Show additional information about the CLI.
Additionally shows the architecture, node version, operating system, and versions of plugins that the CLI is using.
See code: @oclif/plugin-version
get warorobe
$ eggs wardrobe get [REPO] [-h] [-v]
REPO repository to get
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose
get warorobe
$ eggs wardrobe get
$ eggs wardrobe get your-wardrobe
list costumes and accessoires in wardrobe
$ eggs wardrobe list [WARDROBE] [-h] [-v]
WARDROBE wardrobe
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose
list costumes and accessoires in wardrobe
$ eggs wardrobe list
$ eggs wardrobe list your-wardrove
show costumes/accessories in wardrobe
$ eggs wardrobe show [COSTUME] [-h] [-j] [-v] [-w <value>]
COSTUME costume
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-j, --json output JSON
-v, --verbose
-w, --wardrobe=<value> wardrobe
show costumes/accessories in wardrobe
$ eggs wardrobe show colibri
$ eggs wardrobe show accessories/firmwares
$ eggs wardrobe show accessories/
wear costume/accessories from wardrobe
$ eggs wardrobe wear [COSTUME] [-h] [-a] [-f] [-s] [-v] [-w <value>]
COSTUME costume
-a, --no_accessories not install accessories
-f, --no_firmwares not install firmwares
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent
-v, --verbose
-w, --wardrobe=<value> wardrobe
wear costume/accessories from wardrobe
sudo eggs wardrobe wear duck
sudo eggs wardrobe wear accessories/firmwares
sudo eggs wardrobe wear wagtail/waydroid
The original edition of the eggs manual is released in Italian, of course other languages can be accessed using machine translation.
No need other configurations, penguins-eggs are battery included or better, as in the real, live is inside! :-D
There is a Penguins' eggs official book and same other documentation - mostly for developers - on penguins-eggs repo under documents and i386, in particular we have hens, differents species who descrive how to use eggs in manjaro.
You can contact me at pieroproietti@gmail.com or meet me
Copyright (c) 2017, 2023 Piero Proietti, dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.