es-nozzle can be used to index documents from the local filesystem or from network shares. It's similar in purpose to dadoonet's filesystem river, but it's not an elasticsearch plugin. Instead es-nozzle takes advantage of RabbitMQ in order to provide a fault tolerant and scalable system for synchronizing filesystems into an elasticsearch cluster.
Please visit for detailed documentation.
The es-nozzle source code is hosted on github:
es-nozzle is written in clojure and uses leiningen
as its build system. In order to build from source, install leiningen
and run lein uberjar
es-nozzle releases can be downloaded from
Please follow this link to view the documentation of the latest es-nozzle release
Current development snapshots of es-nozzle are available from
Please follow this link to view the documentation of the latest snapshot release
Copyright © 2013-2014 brainbot technologies AG
Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0