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Ben Soyka edited this page Oct 9, 2020 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the BrainBot wiki!

Below is a list of all the commands BrainBot currently understands.


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!evaluate <arguments>

Evaluate a math expression


The first argument for this command should always be the expression to evaluate. If the expression contains variables, a value should be given for each one as a separate argument, in order from left to right in the expression.

If multiple arguments are given, they should be separated by semicolons.


!evaluate 2+3
Out: 5
!evaluate y+x+y; 3; 2
Out: 8 (3+2+3)


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!phon <text>

Convert <text> into its phonetic spelling

!repeat <text>

Make the bot say <text>


Get a random conversation starter

!translate <language> <text>

Translate some text into another language


<language> should be a two-letter language code (ISO-639-1) and <text> should be whatever text you'd like to translate.


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