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sqlalchemy-pglogical is a sqlalchemy extension to automatically send DDL through pglogical.replicate_ddl_command

Who's this for?

sqlalchemy-pglogical may be for you if:

  • you use sqlalchemy and/or alembic for DDL, and
  • you use pglogical for logical replication

How do I use it?

There are two keys to using sqlalchemy-pglogical:

  1. import sqlalchemy_pglogical - because of the way extending sqlalchemy works, you can do this in pretty much any file that is loaded before DDL is called
  2. Explicitly define your schema. If you're using sqlalchemy's declaritive syntax, you define your schema by adding __table_args__ to each table:
    Base = declarative_base()
    class User(Base):
        __tablename__ = "users"
        __table_args__ = {"schema": "public"}
    if you're using sqlalchemy core and using MetaData to define your tables, add schema as a keyword arg to your MetaData initialization:
    metadata = Metadata(schema="public")

It probably makes the most sense to import it wherever you create your engine to be sure it's always applied. For most apps, this is probably most important for your migration toolchain (e.g. alembic), and less likely to be needed for your running application. If you're relying on alembic to build your sqlalchemy.engine (e.g, it's only defined in your alembic.ini), then you should probably add this to your migration mako template.

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import sqlalchemy_pglogical

Known limitations

Only one publication

We currently assume you're using the default_ddl publication and only publish to that publication.


pglogical can't propagate {CREATE, DROP} INDEX CONCURRENTLY statements. sqlachemy-pglogical makes no attempt to catch the CONCURRENTLY keyword in INDEX statements, so they will likely fail.

How does it work?

DDL operations are represented in SQLAlchemy 1.x with a subclass of DDLElement. To extend a DDL type, you can do this:

from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
from sqlalchemy.sql.ddl import CreateTable

def visit_create_table(element, compiler, **kwargs) -> str:
    normal_ddl_sql: str = compiler.visit_create_table(element, **kwargs)
    modified: str = some_modification_we_define_elsewhere(normal_ddl_sql)
    return modified

We use this to extend all subclasses of DDLElement and wrap them in pglogical.replicate_ddl_command


Replicate DDL commands through pglogical with sqlalchemy







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