Leaflet.LayerGroup plugin to render only layers in the current map bounds
Adding lots of layers to a map can kill browser performance, even if the layers are outside the map bounds and not visible to the user. Leaflet.boundsAwareLayerGroup patches Leaflet.LayerGroup to manage only rendering in the map layers in the map bounds. On each map bounds change (zoom, pan, whatever...), layers in the new bounds are added, layers outside are removed.
See the plugin in action when comparing performance with and without Leaflet.boundsAwareLayerGroup for 5,000 markers.
Create a new Leaflet.LayerGroup with the makeBoundsAware
new L.LayerGroup([marker1, marker2], {
makeBoundsAware: true
L.layerGroup([marker1, marker2], {
makeBoundsAware: true
Leaflet.boundsAwareLayerGroup works with Leaflet.FeatureGroup as well...
L.featureGroup([marker1, marker2], {
makeBoundsAware: true
- minZoom - Do not show LayerGroup if map zoom is less than minZoom
- maxZoom - Do not show LayerGroup if map zoom is greater than maxZoom