This application is a rewritten verion of ownNote.
The old Android App won't work, but no worries, we plan to develop a new one.
Alpha means in this case 'pretty stable', but it's possible that due to an update things will break / get sent to /dev/null
If you value your notes please wait for a stable version.
- Replaced deprecated methods
- Removed XSS vulnerability (Via the announcements it was possible to inject javascript / html)
- Updated tiny MCE to 4.7.10.
- Fixed CSP error in tinymce.
- Ability to embed files from your nextcloud
- Ability to link to files from your nextcloud
- Make use of Entity's, mappers, services
The whole app has been rebuild, so there will be some bugs in there.
Did you find a bug? Report it or fix it and send a PR.
- Full fledged WYSIWYG editor
- Share a note with a user or group
- Note grouping/categorization
- Archive notes
- Refactor backend to make use of:
- Entity's
- Mappers
- Services
- Switch to a AngularJS frontend
- Rename namespace from OwnNotes to NextNotes
- Implement note sharing
- Import from Evernote as HTML or ENEX
- Ability to save files to a folder as HTML files (untested)
- Implement hierarchical structure for groups (PR's welcome!)
- Add markdown support
- Import from Notes app.
- Switch between database or file mode
- Add admin section for allowed image / video domains due CSP.
- Encrypted notes? (What about sharing?)
- Travis tests (We really need help with this, so PR's welcome!)
- Develop an app for Android/iOS (We really need help with this, so PR's welcome!)
There is a Telegram chatroom available.
- Place this app in nextcloud/apps/nextnote (Rename the extracted ZIP to "nextnote" or you will receive errors)
- Note: custom_csp_policy changes are no longer required
You can also use this script developed by enoch85:
# Variables
DISTRO=$(lsb_release -sd | cut -d ' ' -f 2)
OS=$(uname -v | grep -ic "Ubuntu")
# Functions
# Whiptail auto-size
calc_wt_size() {
WT_WIDTH=$(tput cols)
if [ -z "$WT_WIDTH" ] || [ "$WT_WIDTH" -lt 60 ]; then
if [ "$WT_WIDTH" -gt 178 ]; then
msg_box() {
local PROMPT="$1"
whiptail --msgbox "${PROMPT}" "$WT_HEIGHT" "$WT_WIDTH"
# Check Ubuntu version
echo "Checking server OS and version..."
if [ "$OS" != 1 ]
msg_box "Ubuntu Server is required to run this script.
Please install that distro and try again.
You can find the download link here:"
exit 1
if ! version 16.04 "$DISTRO" 18.04.4; then
msg_box "Ubuntu version $DISTRO must be between 16.04 - 16.04.4"
exit 1
# Install git if not existing
if [ "$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' "git" 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed")" != "1" ]
apt update -q4
apt install git -y
pull() {
cd /var/www/nextcloud/apps || exit
rm -rf nextnote
git clone nextnote
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/nextcloud/apps/nextnote
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ app:enable nextnote
if pull
echo "not sucessfull pull $(date)" > /var/log/nextnote_pull.log
Simply just run it everytime you want to get the latest master code.
NextNotes uses a single .js
file for the templates.
This gives the benefit that we don't need to request every template with XHR.
For CSS we use SASS so you need ruby and sass installed.
and the CSS are built with grunt, so don't edit them as your changes will be overwritten next time grunt is ran.
To watch for changes use grunt watch