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@bridiver @diracdeltas need you reviewing too pls (for whichever parts you did not write) |
var setLocation = () => { | ||
var duration, publisher | ||
if (location !== currentLocation) console.log('new location: ' + location) |
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@mrose17 can we remove this console.log? URLs from private browsing should not be logged
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Sure! Feel free to remove it... Just there for debug!
On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 4:51 PM -0700, "yan zhu (@bcrypt)" notifications@github.com wrote:
In app/ledger.js:
- return data
- * publisher utilities
- */
+var currentLocation = 'NOOP'
+var currentTimestamp = underscore.now()
+var visit = (location, timestamp) => {- var setLocation = () => {
- var duration, publisher
- if (location !== currentLocation) console.log('new location: ' + location)
@mrose17 can we remove this console.log? URLs from private browsing should not be logged
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if (isNaN(amount) || (amount <= 0)) return | ||
underscore.extend(bravery.fee, { amount: amount }) |
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does this expect amount
to be in whatever the specified currency
is, or is it just USD
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i just changed it so now this code is correct as long as amount
corresponds to the currency in ledger-state
better updateLedgerInfo() invocations
As of brave/node-anonize2-relic-emscripten#1 we shouldn't need this anymore. Auditors: @mrose17
# Conflicts: # CHANGELOG.md # app/extensions.js # app/extensions/brave/locales/en-US/preferences.properties # app/ledger.js # app/menu.js # app/sessionStore.js # docs/state.md # js/about/preferences.js # js/actions/windowActions.js # js/components/frame.js # js/components/main.js # js/components/navigationBar.js # js/components/tab.js # js/components/tabs.js # js/components/tabsToolbar.js # js/components/urlBar.js # js/components/urlBarSuggestions.js # js/constants/appConfig.js # js/constants/appConstants.js # js/constants/messages.js # js/constants/settings.js # js/contextMenus.js # js/data/searchProviders.js # js/flash.js # js/state/frameStateUtil.js # js/stores/eventStore.js # js/stores/windowStore.js # less/variables.less # test/unit/state/frameStateUtilTest.js
phase 2 fix in process…
@@ -111,6 +113,7 @@ module.exports = { | |||
'shutdown.clear-cache': false, | |||
'shutdown.clear-all-site-cookies': false | |||
}, | |||
defaultFavicon: '', |
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I'd prefer if we don't store a base64 encoded image url and instead make this an actual image and put a link here
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@bbondy - i'd prefer that as well. however, the link has to be stored locally for privacy considerations.
so, what is required is a small API that allows ledger.js
to store/update an image locally and get back the associated URL...
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can overwrite the file when it needs to update the image
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if someone will tell me what the API is, i can modify ledger.js
... but (like so many things!), i don't know the API...
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@bbondy @diracdeltas tells me i misunderstood what you were asking... sorry! i've got a PR that fixes the default icon issue...
So much cleaner than last time I looked! Thanks for all the great work here. |
I know this is already merged so I'm a little late to the party, but I didn't see any tests. Just a reminder that we made a decision a while ago to require tests for all new features so we should add some to cover this as a follow-up |
Thanks! |
Auditors: @bbondy