This application manages moon-mining revenue and invoicing for EVE Online corporations and alliances.
- PHP >=8.1
- MySQL 8 or MariaDB (tested with 10.6)
- An EVE app with the following scopes:
- esi-mail.send_mail.v1
- esi-universe.read_structures.v1
- esi-corporations.read_structures.v1
- esi-wallet.read_corporation_wallets.v1
- esi-characters.read_notifications.v1
- esi-industry.read_corporation_mining.v1
Callback URL: https://your.domain.tld/callback
- Create a database for the application.
- You will need to import the following EVE dump tables into your database. They can be downloaded from
- invTypes
- invTypeMaterials
- invUniqueNames
- mapSolarSystems
- mapRegions
- Run
npm install
to install frontend dependencies. - Rename the
file to.env
and adjust values. - Run
composer install
to install backend dependencies. - Run
php artisan key:generate
. - Run
php artisan migrate
to create the database tables. - Regenerate js/css with
npm run production
, if they have changed.
See also
You can use Docker to run the app.
Start the dev containers and shells:
docker-compose up
docker-compose exec moon_php /bin/sh
docker-compose run moon_node /bin/sh
Generate files and annotations with the IDE Helper for Laravel:
php artisan ide-helper:generate
php artisan ide-helper:meta
php artisan ide-helper:models
Run the queue:
php artisan schedule:run
php artisan queue:work
To run a single job use, e.g.:
(Simply add constructor arguments after the class name.)
php artisan command:run-job PollStructures 2113076059
- Add your admin user to the table
. They can now log in and authorise other users. - Add the following mail templates to the table
. - Login at http://your.domain/admin with a director of your corporations to create the required ESI tokens. Add the
IDs to the environment variables
. - Login at http://your.domain/admin with a character that should be used to send mails and add the ID to the
environment variable
- Run
php artisan queue:work
to start the job queue process. See the Laravel documentation on Queues for more information on how to use Supervisor to manage job queues. - Add a Cron for the Task Scheduler
Login with you admin user and configure the application:
- Edit the mail templates at "Manage Emails".
- Set the tax for each ore (the list will be populated automatically by a cron job).
- Make sure at least one character receives mails from the contact form (at "Settings") or set up a Slack hook.
- Import moon data.
Only updates that require work are listed here at the moment.
- Raised minimum required PHP version to 8.1.0.
- Added
environment variable to generate URLs (see .env.example).
- Added esi-characters.read_notifications.v1 scope to admin login - add this to your EVE app.
- Added
table with data from Fuzzworks - see Installation Instructions.
This application is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.