Note This is a community made Uppy plugin.
The AzureBlob plugin can be used to upload files directly to an Azure Blob Container.
import Uppy from "@uppy/core";
import AzureBlob from "uppy-azure-blob";
const uppy = new Uppy();
uppy.use(AzureBlob, {
endpoint: "",
container: "uppy",
sas: "?sv=2021-08-06&ss=...",
defaultBlobOptions: {
// @see
// blobHTTPHeaders: ...,
// blockSize: ...,
// conditions: ...,
// concurrency: ...,
// encryptionScope: ...,
// maxSingleShotSize: ...,
metadata: {
uploader: "Foo",
// tags: ...,
// tier: ...,
new Uppy({
onBeforeFileAdded: (currentFile) => {
// You can overwrite the default options
currentFile.blobOptions = {
metadata: {
uploader: "Bar",
return currentFile;
Warning This plugin requires a module bundler such as Vite, Parcel, Webpack, Rollup or others.
$ npm install uppy-azure-blob
Azure Blob Containers do not allow public uploads for security reasons. To allow Uppy and the browser to upload directly to a container, its CORS permissions need to be configured.
For example, you can create following CORS settings for debugging. But please customize the settings carefully according to your requirements in production environment.
- Allowed origins: *
- Allowed verbs: PUT
- Allowed headers: *
- Exposed headers: *
- Maximum age (seconds): 86400
To upload a file in chunks, the sas token needs the write permission.