Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated or interact in ways such that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently — instead, a quantum state must be described for the system as a whole.
From Quantum Entanglement, Wikipedia.
This library is intended as an annotation processor which will allow you to annotate views with an ID, register a listener of some sort for that ID, and have the View respond to changes picked up by the listener. The view and the listener would be quantumly entangled.
The example use case that led to the creation of this library was showing/hiding views based on the value of a Firebase object, in real time, via an annotation. There's no reason it has to be Firebase-driven. Theoretically, any source of data, whether from sensors, network, database, could be entangled.
It is heavily inspired by Jake Wharton's excellent library, ButterKnife.
It's something I'll be chipping away at. Don't hold your breath.
It is at an incredibly early stage of development. At this point, all the @Entangle
does is set the visibility of a view to View.GONE
Contributions, feedback, and suggestions, are very welcome.
The sample app shows nothing an empty Activity. If you comment out the Quantum.entangle(this)
in onCreate
, it will show "Hello World!", because the generated QuantumEntangler
is never
being applied to the TextView