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A generic JavaScript helper library to query and manipulate Drupal 8 via core REST


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A generic JavaScript helper library to query and manipulate Drupal 8 via core REST

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Install development dependencies.

npm i

Run tests and check coverage.

npm t

Build a browser version.

npm run build


Ensure that you have set up cross-origin resource sharing on your Drupal site to enable Waterwheel to perform necessary tasks. Instructions for Apache or Nginx.

The majority of the functionality in Waterwheel is dependent on the Waterwheel-Drupal module. Please install and enable this module in your Drupal site before attempting to use the functionality offered in this library.


Require waterwheel in either a server or browser environment.

// Server
const Waterwheel = require('waterwheel');
const waterwheel = new Waterwheel('', {username: 'admin', 'password': '1234'});

// Browser
import '../../path/to/node_modules/waterwheel/dist/waterwheel.js'
const waterwheel = new window.Waterwheel('', {username: 'admin', 'password': '1234'});

// With resources
const waterwheel = new Waterwheel('', {username: 'admin', 'password': '1234'}, require('./resources.json'));

Waterwheel when instantiated accepts three arguments,

  • base: The base path for your Drupal instance. All request paths will be built from this base
  • credentials: An object containing the username and password used to authenticate with Drupal.
  • resources: A JSON object that represents the resources available to waterwheel.

Supplying the resources object is equivalent to calling .populateResources() but does not incur an HTTP request, and alleviates the need to call .populateResources() prior to making any requests. You can fetch this object by calling waterwheel.fetchResources(). Additionally if a valid resources object is passed, credentials become optional when waterwheel is instantiated.

Populate waterwheel resources

This must be done before any subsequent API calls. Without this call, only the Entity Query functionality will be available.

  .then(res => {
    [ 'comment',
    'user' ]

Waterwheel currently expects the Waterwheel Drupal module to be installed and enabled, however, the intent is to remove that dependency, by adding the necessary functionality to Drupal core, making that separate module ​_obsolete_​.

Manually add resources to waterwheel

  {myNewResource: {
    base: {{ base url }},
    credentials: {{ credentials }},
    methods: {{ methods }},
    entityType: 'node',
    bundle: 'page',
    options: {{ extended information path }}

When adding resources the parent object key will be used to identify the new resource, myNewResource in the example.

  • base: The base path for your Drupal instance. All request for this resource will use this path. This can be different from the path used when instantiating waterwheel.
  • credentials: An object containing the username and password used to authenticate with Drupal. This can be different from the credentials used when instantiating waterwheel.
  • methods: An object containing the following keys, GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE. Each key should contain the path suffix that the action can be preformed on.
  • entityType: The entity type that this resource should reference, ie. node.
  • bundle: The bundle that this resource should reference, ie. page.
  • options: The path used to get extended (field) information about the bundle. This is usually provided automatically by Waterwheel-Drupal, but can be manually specified.

Get resources within waterwheel

  .then(res => {
    [ 'comment',
    'user' ]

Entities that have no bundles are accessible at the top level, waterwheel.api.comment, however bundles are accessible from within their entity, waterwheel.api.node.article.

Methods for resources

Each method is directly mapped to the methods key attached to the resource.


  .then(res => {
    // Drupal JSON Object
  .catch(err => {
    // err

.get() accepts two arguments

  • identifier: The identifier of the entity you are requesting, nid, vid, uid, etc.
  • format: The format of response you are requesting. Currently this is optional, and internally defaults to JSON.


waterwheel.api.user.patch(1, {})
  .then(res => {
    // res
  .catch(err => {
    // err

.patch() accepts three arguments

  • identifier: The identifier for the entity you are attempting to modify, nid, vid, uid, etc.
  • body: An object that formatted in a way that Drupal will be able to parse. This object is passed directly to Drupal.
  • format: The format of the object you are passing. Currently this is optional, and internally defaults to JSON.

  .then(res => {
    // res
  .catch(err => {
    // err

.post() accepts two arguments

  • body: An object that formatted in a way that Drupal will be able to parse. This object should contain all the information needed to create an entity. This object is passed directly to Drupal.
  • format: The format of the object you are passing. Currently this is optional, and internally defaults to application/json.


  .then(res => {
    // res
  .catch(err => {
    // err

.delete() accepts one argument

  • identifier: The identifier for the entity you are attempting to delete, nid, vid, uid, etc.

Set field values

  .then(() =>, {title: 'my favorite title'})) // Set a single value
  .then(() =>, [ // Set multiple values
    {title: 'my favorite title'},
    {email: ['', '', '']}
  .then(() =>, [ // Pass additional message body data.
    {title: 'my favorite title'},
    {email: ['', '', '']}
  ], {body: [{value: 'foo'}]} ))
  .then(res => {
    // Data sent to Drupal
  .catch(err => {
    // err

.setField() accepts 3 arguments

  • identifier: The id of the entity you are setting field values on
  • fields: Fields and values to be set on the entity.
    • A single object can be passed, {title: 'my favorite title'}
    • An array of objects can be passed, [{title: 'my favorite title'}, {subtitle: 'my favorite sub title'}]
  • additionalValues: An object of fields (the objects keys), and values that are copied to the body data prior to the PATCH request. Be aware that this happens last and could overwrite any previously set fields.

Get field metadata for an entity/bundle

  .then(() =>
  .then(res => {
    // Field metadata
  .catch(err => {
    // err

.getFieldData() accepts no arguments. This returns the object from Waterwheel-Drupal that contains information about each field in the entity/bundle. For a list of fields, to be used in .setField(), something like Object.keys(res.fields) will work.

Entity Query

To take advantage of the Entity Query support, enable the EntityQueryAPI module. You do not need to run .populateResources() prior to using this functionality.

waterwheel.api.query('node').range(0, 5).get()
  .then(res => {
    // res
  .catch(err => {
    // err

Additional documentation can be found at the DAPI repository.


A generic JavaScript helper library to query and manipulate Drupal 8 via core REST







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