-- import "github.com/brentp/xopen"
xopen makes it easy to get buffered (possibly gzipped) readers and writers. and close all of the associated files. Ropen opens a file for reading. Wopen opens a file for writing. Both will use gzip when appropriate and will use buffered IO.
Here's how to get a buffered reader:
// gzipped
rdr, err := xopen.Ropen("some.gz")
// normal
rdr, err := xopen.Ropen("some.txt")
// stdin (possibly gzipped)
rdr, err := xopen.Ropen("-")
// https://
rdr, err := xopen.Ropen("http://example.com/some-file.txt")
// Cmd
rdr, err := xopen.Ropen("|ls -lh somefile.gz")
// User directory:
rdr, err := xopen.Ropen("~/brentp/somefile")
Get a buffered writer with xopen.Wopen
Get a temp file with xopen.Wopen("tmp:prefix")
func CheckBytes(b *bufio.Reader, buf []byte) (bool, error)
CheckBytes peeks at a buffered stream and checks if the first read bytes match.
func IsGzip(b *bufio.Reader) (bool, error)
IsGzip returns true buffered Reader has the gzip magic.
func IsStdin() bool
IsStdin checks if we are getting data from stdin.
func XReader(f string) (io.Reader, error)
XReader returns a reader from a url string or a file.
type Reader struct {
Reader is returned by Ropen
func Buf(r io.Reader) *Reader
Return a buffered reader from an io.Reader If f == "-", then it will attempt to read from os.Stdin. If the file is gzipped, it will be read as such.
func Ropen(f string) (*Reader, error)
Ropen opens a buffered reader.
func (r *Reader) Close() error
Close the associated files.
type Writer struct {
Writer is returned by Wopen
func Wopen(f string) (*Writer, error)
Wopen opens a buffered writer. If f == "-", then stdout will be used. If f endswith ".gz", then the output will be gzipped. If f startswith "tmp:" then a tempfile will be created with a prefix of the string following ":"
func (w *Writer) Name() string
The path to the underlying file handle.
func (w *Writer) Close() error
Close the associated files.
func (w *Writer) Flush()
Flush the writer.