a directive to replace ngShow with toggleSlide effect.
there are 4 attribures bresleveloper-ng-show="scope function name" b-time="300" b-delay="100" b-test="children"
b-ng-slide takes a scope function name, override it, and toggleSlide before and after execution
b-time is the time for the animation, if not stated is 300
b-delay is the time for the delay before firing the animation (hover intent), if not stated is same as b-time
b-test is for a case where you don't want the animation to occur, in case of a null array or reference, so it loops all the argument of the scope function above and if it does not have this member (i.e. if (!args[b-test])) the slideDown will not occur
more information can be found in my blog http://bresleveloper.blogspot.co.il/2015/01/angular-ng-show-with-slide.html
a live example http://jsbin.com/jukogewobo/5/
example for usage (every "topLevel" in "data" has a "Children" member except one)
<menu ng-mouseleave='changeData({})'>
<li ng-repeat='topLevel in data' ng-mouseenter='changeData(topLevel, $index)' >
<a href='{{ topLevel.URL || '#' }}'>{{ topLevel.Label }}</a>
<div b-ng-slide='changeData' b-delay='150' b-time='250' b-test='Children' >
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