I'm writing this as another golang demo. I have several reasons for doing this...
- It's first weekend of the coronavirus quarantine in Kyiv, and I'm home bored
- I want to get comfortble with the standard go project layout and need practice
- Explore some common setup scenarios
- Database setup
- Dependency injection
- API security
- Explore asynchronous programming in golang
- see UpdateCurrentValue on the WidgetService type
- Explore devops considerations
- deployment
- testing
I'm quite new to golang. I will probably make a lot of mistakes. I have been working professionally with C# since the beta 2 release in... erm... 2001(??), so I'm not a total noob. I'm not uptight about learning, and welcome feedback, if you're so inclined. I've done other, similar projects which you may or may not find on my github account. A deep forensic analysis of these projects will hopefully reveal a progression of skills and understanding, but really, who has time for all of that? I hope that if you're still reading this, you might find it interesting...
Also, I'm writing this on Ubuntu, with open source tools: VsCode, VIM, etc. I've been working on Microsoft windows professionally for more than 20 years, and this is really the first time I've decided to try to go whole hog with a linux project. I have done a reasonable amount of small tasks with bash and know my VIM, but beyond that I'm pretty new to Linux. I expect this will become apparent when I start trying to do deployment and all the devops stuff that always goes with a project.
You're probably thinking: why bother with devops and deployment for a sample project? Mostly, my experience on this is that code for code's sake is a total waste of time. I'd much rather be surfing or spending time with my kids. If I don't know how to deploy it, why would I bother writing it?