Generates filled contours (polygons) from raster data. It runs on the JVM and is optimized for speed. A large raster can typically be processed in a matter of seconds. It uses GDAL to read raster files and write vector files. Contours are generated using the Marching Squares algorithm.
Note that as of GDAL v2.4.0, gdal_contour can produce polygons using the -p option, but it is very slow.
- Java
- GDAL Java bindings (libgdal-java on Debian/Ubuntu, gdal-java on Fedora/Centos)
Make sure the GDAL version in build.gradle.kts matches the system version. (ie. 3.0.0)
./gradlew shadowJar
It can be used as a library with Gradle:
repositories {
dependencies {
Or run from the command line:
java -jar gdal_contourf-1.1.2_gdal-3.0.0.jar --in input.tif --band 1 \
--levels -50 0 50 100 150 --simplification 30 --epsg 4326 \
--format GeoJSON --out output.geojson
This is not well-tested and probably never will be. It works for my use-case. Correctness not guaranteed.