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breznak edited this page Jun 26, 2013 · 6 revisions

We use Travis-CI for our builds and validation of PRs (pull-requests). The environment for builds is documented here.

Run Travis CI on your forks

~rhyolight on ML:

It's easy to run the nupic build process using travis-ci on your forks. You'll need to create a travis account first, then fork nupic. In your local fork, you'll have the .travis.yaml file, which is configured to run on every branch except master (you don't have to touch it). To enable travis on your fork, go to your profile and click the switch for your NuPIC fork. You should see a travis build running any time you push to branches on your fork (except master).

Also, when you submit a PR against master, travis will run against the PR whether you've set up a travis account or not. During this time, there is an indication on github that the pull request may not be safe to merge. Once the travis build passes, the warning is replaced by a "good to merge" note.

I am really liking this setup between travis and github. Great integration of services!

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