Please see for official style guidelines and contact information. Thank you and Go Cougs!
name = WSU Vancouver Omega
description = WSU Vancouver HTML5 Omega subtheme
organization = Washington State University Vancouver
contributors = Brian Bates, Aaron Thorne, Alan McGinnis
core = Drupal 7.x
engine = phptemplate
base theme = omega
base theme version = 7.x-3.1
browser support = IE 8+ (limited IE 7 support), Safari 4+, Firefox 3.5+, Chrome 4+, iOS 6+, Android 3+
- Enable and set as default – WSU Vancouver Omega theme
- Enable necessary Modules and Admin Role permissions
- Admin > Config > People > Accounts – disable new account creation
- Setup new Menu for the site
- Under Main Menu and User Menu disable all links
- Configure Blocks to remove unnecessary defaults (footer, etc.)
- Choose CKEditor for the Filtered HTML text format in WYSIWYG profiles
- Configure allowed HTML tags in Filtered HTML text format (td, tr, etc.)
- Configure Page Titles to [current-page:page-title] - WSU Vancouver
- Set your Site Information to the site name and WSU Vancouver for the [site:slogan]
- Add Taxonomy select menu to necessary Content Types
- Edit and add Available Menus to necessary Content Types
- Configure URL aliases (Clear cache to show Taxonomy term fields), remove /content/
- Setup Google CSE (see below)
- In /admin/config/search/settings/ enable Google CSE for Active and Default Search Modules
- After saving, add the appropriate Google CSE ID
- Set Permissions so that all users can use Google CSE
- Google CSE requires Clean URLs to be setup to work
- Add a default block to display in the search results with search/ and search/*