Javascript Challenge: Three Slips
You have a long strip of paper with integers
written on it in a single line from left to
You wish to cut the paper into exactly three
pieces such that each piece contains at least
one integer and the sum of the integers in
each piece is the same.
You cannot cut through a number,
i.e. each initial number will unambiguously
belong to one of the pieces after cutting.
How many ways can you do it?
It is guaranteed that the sum of all elements
in the array is divisible by 3.
For a = [0, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1],
the output should be
solution(a) = 4.
Here are all possible ways:
[0, -1] [0, -1] [0, -1]
[0, -1] [0, -1, 0] [-1]
[0, -1, 0] [-1, 0] [-1]
[0, -1, 0] [-1] [0, -1]
[execution time limit] 4 seconds (js)
[input] array.integer a
Guaranteed constraints:
5 ≤ a.length ≤ 104,
-108 ≤ a[i] ≤ 108.
[output] integer
It's guaranteed that for the given test cases
the answer always fits signed 32-bit integer type.