Goal #1: provision a cloud computer as a complete development server within fifteen minutes.
Goal #2: build docker toolbox for coreos.
Because this is intended for docker, this is lighter weight than ansible, chef, and puppet. (translation, "not full-featured" :o)
Example installation: ./install firewall java spacemacs
An app may be broken into four files:
- [appname]-pre, typically for prerequisites of the app.
- [appname], typically for installation of the app.
- [appname]-post, typically for setup.
- [appname]-update, for updating after already being installed.
All pre files are called, then all plain files, and lastly all post files.
As apps are installed thay are added to file installed_apps. Tracking which apps are installed enables updating them later.
git clone git@github.com:brianmd/toolbox.git
cd toolbox/install
./install apt-update utils zsh tmux dotfiles spacemacs docker firewall
Note: this repository is still a work in progress, so manual steps are required.