Renames epubs to a consistent format. Default format is The_Title-by-Firstname_Lastname.epub Latest runnable version can be found at
mvn clean package
to build it.
Once you have built it, run it like so to see the options:
> java -jar PATH/TO/epubrenamer.jar --help
-af,--authorFirst Filename will have author then title.
Default is title then author
-alnf,--authorLastNameFirst Author name is lastname then firstname.
Default is firstName lastName
-f,--folder <arg> epub folder, defaults to current didirectory if not specified
-ps,--pieceSeparator <arg> characters to separate title from author.
Default is -by-
-ws,--wordSeparator <arg> Character used to separate words, default
A valid run might look like:
>java -jar target/epubrenamer-1.0-with-dependencies.jar -f "path/to/epub/folder"