Generate letters in BABYLON meshes.
Writer = BABYLON.MeshWriter(scene, {scale:scale}); // Returns re-usable constructor
text1 = new Writer( // Inserts text into scene, per options
"anchor": "center",
"letter-height": 50,
"color": "#1C3870",
"position": {
"z": 20
textMesh = text1.getMesh() // Returns a regular BABYLON mesh, which can
// be manipulated using standard methods
● Helvetica Neue playground example:
● Comic playground example:
After MeshWriter is loaded (see below), BABYLON.MeshWriter is defined. It is called with one or two parameters.
● scene required
● preferences optional The preferences object may specify up to four values
default-font Helvetica
scale 1
letter-origin "letter-center"
methods (See section at bottom)
The call to BABYLON.MeshWriter returns a constructor. Call it "Writer".
new Writer() is called with a string and an (optional) options parameter. The options object conforms to normal BabylonJS structures and terminology.
font-family default-font
anchor left
letter-height 100
letter-thickness 1
color #808080 # hits emissive only
alpha 1
x 0
y 0
z 0
colors # if you need to control more than just emissive
diffuse #F0F0F0
specular #000000
ambient #F0F0F0
emissive color # from option field 'color' above
new Writer() builds a mesh with material that is inserted into the scene. This is a multi-step process with interim meshes and holes per letter. These meshes are sucked into an SPS and then disposed. At the end, one mesh, one material and one SPS have been added to the scene.
new Writer() also returns a writer instance with useful methods. See below.
Each writer instance has methods to allow one to retrieve the BabylonJS objects or to get/set attributes of the SPS.
color # sets or gets color but no change to material
alpha # sets or gets alpha but no change to material
setColor # set emissive color and change color value
setAlpha # change value and material
overrideOpac # change material but not value
resetOpac # sets material to current value
If you wish to do extensive things with position, rotation or animation, retrieve the meshes and materials from the instance using the methods shown above. The output from new Writer() is an SPS with one particle for each character.
Colors: With most lighting, it is enough just to use the "color" field to specify the letter coloring. However, programmers may specify all four color types by putting a "colors" object in the options object.
There are four font families available, 'Helvetica', 'HirukoPro-Book', 'Jura' and 'Comic'. The default font, Helvetica, is probably the one you want. If it is, no font family need be specified. Also, Helvetica, has the most extensive characters and the fewest faces; it will be the most efficient if you have a lot of text.
"/",":",";","<","=",">","¿","?","@","[","]","^","_"," "
"/",":",";","<","=",">","¿","?","@","[","]","{","}","^","_"," "
"-",".","/",":",";","<","=",">","?","@","[","]","^","_"," "
"%","#","$","&","?","!","|","(",")","-","_","=","+",",","."," "
As of last viewing, the total "meshwriter.min.js" file was under 120K.
And: Unless you are a font master, Helvetica and Arial are synonymous.
Both meshwriter.js and meshwriter.min.js are all-inclusive and should be loadable in any of the normal ways (e.g. AMD); see below for some examples. In Node, MeshWriter will become a global variable. In a browser, MeshWriter will become a global variable 'TYPE'. If BABYLON is already loaded, then MeshWriter will also attach itself to BABYLON, allowing this call.
Writer = BABYLON.MeshWriter(scene, {scale:scale});
Use jQuery
const typeURL = "https://host/path/meshwriter.min.js";
// These lines load the module, if not already loaded, and then call write
if ( typeof TYPE === "undefined" ) {
} else {
# use BABYLON.MeshWriter
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/meshwriter.min.js"></script>
<!-- use BABYLON.MeshWriter or window.TYPE or window.MeshWriter -->
Wrapper = require("meshwriter");
Writer = Wrapper.MeshWriter(scene, {scale:scale});
import MeshWriter from "meshwriter";
Writer = MeshWriter(scene, {scale:scale});
Please read the section immediately below.
MeshWriter requires a few methods from BABYLON. If BABYLON is in the global address space, it will find them there. Job done.
BABYLON = <get-babylon>
import MeshWriter from "meshwriter";
Writer = MeshWriter(scene, {scale:scale});
If not, then the programmer must get those methods and hand them to MeshWriter as you see here. The required methods are put in a single object ('methodsObj') which is handed to MeshWriter as a parameter.
methodsObj = <get methods>
import MeshWriter from "meshwriter";
Writer = MeshWriter(scene, {scale:scale, methods:methodsObj});
Collect these methods and put them on a single object and then hand that to MeshWriter as shown above.
• Vector2
• Vector3
• Path2
• Curve3
• Color3
• SolidParticleSystem
• PolygonMeshBuilder
• StandardMaterial
• Mesh
A knowledgeable source suggested this incantation to collect all the methods. If you find an error in this, please let us know, pronto.
// Collect the methods
import { Vector2, Vector3 } from "@babylonjs/core/Maths/math.vector";
import { Path2, Curve3 } from "@babylonjs/core/Maths/math.path";
import { Color3 } from "@babylonjs/core/Maths/math.color";
import { Mesh } from "@babylonjs/core/Meshes/mesh";
import { CSG } from "@babylonjs/core/Meshes/csg";
import { PolygonMeshBuilder} from "@babylonjs/core/Meshes/polygonMesh";
import { SolidParticleSystem } from "@babylonjs/core/Particles/solidParticleSystem";
import { StandardMaterial } from "@babylonjs/core/Materials/standardMaterial";
// Put them in an object
const methodsObj = {Vector2, Vector3, Path2, Curve3, Color3, SolidParticleSystem, PolygonMeshBuilder, CSG, StandardMaterial, Mesh};
// Methods assembled, onward!
import MeshWriter from "meshwriter";
Writer = MeshWriter(scene, {scale:scale, methods:methodsObj});
This playground puts BABYLON in the 'methods' parameter to show you the syntax.
MeshWriter comes with only a few fonts. Industrious folk with specific requirements can create a MeshWriter package with their own fonts. Think of this as two steps.
- Converting standard font files (.ttf or .otf) to MeshWriter font files, and
- Creating your own minified build of MeshWriter with your chosen fonts.
MeshWriter-Font ( addresses the first step. It will convert most common font files into MeshWriter compatible font files.
For the second step, refer to the README in this repo in the 'fonts' directory. It will help you create a build with your custom fonts (i.e. a new meshwriter.min.js).