This package helps jump start special Tribune features and series that are built outside the regular CMS. It's Tribune-centric, but easy to update and transform to fit your needs. If you're working on a graphic, use the News Apps Graphic Kit.
- Live reloading and viewing powered by BrowserSync
- Compiling of Sass/SCSS with libSass
- CSS prefixing with autoprefixer
- CSS sourcemaps with gulp-sourcemaps
- CSS compression with clean-css
- JavaScript linting with jshint
- JavaScript compression with uglifyjs
- Template compiling with nunjucks
- Image compression with gulp-imagemin
- Asset revisioning with gulp-rev and gulp-rev-replace
Run this command in your project's folder:
curl -fsSL | tar -xz --strip-components=1
Next, npm install
If this is your first time to ever use the kit, you need to authorize your computer: npm run spreadsheet/authorize
Add your Google sheet's ID to the config.json
, and override any sheets that need to be processed differently. (keyvalue
or objectlist
Now get to work!
Run the following command to start the development server:
gulp serve
Then visit http://localhost:3000 to see your work.
To use the commands to deploy your project to Amazon S3, you'll need to add a profile to your ~/.aws/config. It should look something like this:
[profile newsapps]
Run these commands to build and deploy:
npm run deploy
The project will deploy using the S3 bucket and slug found in your config.json
The graphics kit comes with an empty app/assets folder for you to store images, fonts and data files. The kit works best if you add these files to app/assets/images, app/assets/fonts and app/assets/data. These files will automatically be ignored by git hub, if added to the proper folders, to prevent a storage overload and to keep files locally that may have sensitive information in an open source project.
npm run spreadsheet/authorize
Allows your computer to interact with the scraper. Only needs to be done once. Any future uses of the graphic kit can skip this.
npm run spreadsheet/fetch
Pulls down the project's spreadsheet and processes it into the data.json
npm run spreadsheet/edit
Opens the project's spreadsheet in your browser.
npm run serve
Starts the development server.
npm run build
Build the project for production.
npm run deploy
Deploys the project.
npm run assets/push
Pushes the raw assets to the S3 bucket.
npm run assets/pull
Pulls the raw assets down to the local environment.