This package contains various Mapbox themes for use with Brightlayer UI.
Install with npm
npm install --save @brightlayer-ui/mapbox
or yarn
yarn add @brightlayer-ui/mapbox
To use the Brightlayer UI themes for Mapbox, you simply need to pass the theme file into the configuration object for mapbox initialization.
Import the theme into your target typescript file:
// app.component.ts
declare var require;
const defaultTheme = require('@brightlayer-ui/mapbox/default.json');
const darkTheme = require('@brightlayer-ui/mapbox/dark.json');
Bind the theme to the style attribute of the <mgl-map>
// app.component.html
[style]="theme" // bind to your theme variable here
Import the theme into your target file:
// App.js
const defaultTheme = require('@brightlayer-ui/mapbox/default.json');
const darkTheme = require('@brightlayer-ui/mapbox/dark.json');
Apply the theme variable to the style parameter of the mapboxgl configuration:
// App.js
const map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: this.mapContainer,
style: darkTheme, // add the theme variable here
center: [lng, lat],
For more detailed instructions on using Mapbox in your application, read about our Visualization Patterns and see our demos for Angular and React.