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Orthographic camera functionality for the Defold game engine


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Orthographic camera API for the Defold game engine. The API makes it super easy to convert screen to world coordinates, smoothly follow a game object and create a screen shake effect. This project is inspired by the camera component of the Phaser engine.

The project is shipped with an example that shows all the features of the orthographic camera. Test the example app in your browser.


You can use the orthograpic camera in your own project by adding this project as a Defold library dependency. Open your game.project file and in the dependencies field under project add:

Or point to the ZIP file of a specific release.

Quick Start

Getting started with Orthographic is easy:

  1. Add camera.go to your game.
  2. Open game.project and make sure to reference orthographic/render/orthographic.render in the Render field in the Bootstrap section.

Next step is to read the section on "Camera Configuration" to learn how to change the behavior of the camera.

Camera Configuration

Select the script component attached to the camera.go to modify the properties. The camera has the following configurable properties:

near_z (number) and far_z (number)

This is the near and far z-values used in the projection matrix, ie the near and far clipping plane. Anything with a z-value inside this range will be drawn by the render script.

zoom (number)

This is the zoom level of the camera. Modify it by calling camera.set_zoom(), go.set(camera, "zoom", zoom) or go.animate(camera, "zoom", ...). Read it using camera.get_zoom() or go.get(camera_id, "zoom").

Note that when using go.animate(), go.get() and go.set() you need to make sure to specify the URL to the actual camera script and not to the camera game object:

  • go.animate("mycamera#camerascript", "zoom", ...)
  • go.set("mycamera#camerascript", "zoom")
  • go.get("mycamera#camerascript", "zoom")

order (number)

The order in which multiple cameras should be drawn, lower is drawn first.

projection (hash)

The camera can be configured to support different kinds of orthographic projections. The default projection (aptly named DEFAULT) uses the same orthographic projection matrix as in the default render script (ie aspect ratio isn't maintained and content is stretched). Other projections are available out-of-the box:

  • FIXED_AUTO - A fixed aspect ratio projection that automatically zooms in/out to fit the original viewport contents regardless of window size.
  • FIXED_ZOOM - A fixed aspect ratio projection with zoom.

Note: For the above projections to work you need to pass the window dimensions from your render script to the camera. See the section on render script integration.

Additional custom projections can be added, see camera.add_projector() below.

enabled (boolean)

This controls if the camera is enabled by default or not. Send enable and disable messages to the script or use go.set(id, "enable", true|false) to toggle this value.

follow (boolean)

This controls if the camera should follow a target or not. See camera.follow() for details.

follow_horizontal (boolean)

This controls if the camera should follow the target along the horizontal axis or not. See camera.follow() for details.

follow_vertical (boolean)

This controls if the camera should follow the target along the vertical axis or not. See camera.follow() for details.

follow_immediately (boolean)

This controls if the camera should immediately position itself on the follow target when initialized or if it should apply lerp (see below). See camera.follow() for details.

follow_target (hash)

Id of the game object to follow. See camera.follow() for details.

follow_lerp (number)

Amount of lerp when following a target. See camera.follow() for details.

follow_offset (vector3)

Camera offset from the position of the followed target. See camera.follow() for details.

bounds_left (number), bounds_right (number), bounds_top (number), bounds_bottom (number)

The camera bounds. See camera.bounds() for details.

deadzone_left (number), deadzone_right (number), deadzone_top (number), deadzone_bottom (number)

The camera deadzone. See camera.deadzone() for details.

viewport_left (number), viewport_right (number), viewport_top (number), viewport_bottom (number)

The camera viewport.

Render script integration

In order for the Orthographic camera to function properly you need to integrate it in your render script. You can do this in a number of different ways:

1. Using the provided render script

The Orthographic API comes with a ready to use render script in orthographic/render/orthograpic.render_script. Open game.project and make sure to reference orthographic/render/orthograpic.render in the Render field in the Bootstrap section.

2. Integrating in an existing render script

Get a list of active cameras and apply the camera viewport, view and projection before drawing:

	local camera = require ""

	function update(self)
		for _,camera_id in ipairs(camera.get_cameras()) do
			local viewport = camera.get_viewport(camera_id)
			local view = camera.get_view(camera_id)
			local projection = camera.get_projection(camera_id)

			render.set_viewport(viewport.x, viewport.y, viewport.z, viewport.w)

			-- draw using the viewport, view and projection

Example render script

The orthographic/render folder contains a render script that does the above mentioned integration of the Orthographic Camera API. Use it as it is or copy it into your project and make whatever modifications that you need.

Window vs Screen coordinates

The camera API allows you to convert to and from world coordinates. This is useful when positioning a game object at the position of the mouse or knowing where in a game world a mouse click was made. The API supports conversion from both window and screen coordinates.

Screen coordinates

This refers to the actual mouse pixel position within the window, scaled to the display size specified in game.project. These are the values from action.x and action.y in on_input().

Window coordinates

This refers to the actual mouse pixel position within the window. These are the values from action.screen_x and action.screen_y in on_input(). Window coordinates should be provided as is, without compensation for High DPI (this will be done automatically).

The Orthographic Camera API - functions

The API can be used in two ways:

  1. Calling functions on the camera.lua module
  2. Sending messages to the camera.script


Get the current view of the camera.


  • camera_id (hash|url|nil) nil for the first camera


  • view (matrix) The current view


Get the current viewport of the camera.


  • camera_id (hash|url|nil) nil for the first camera


  • x (number) The viewport left position
  • y (number) The viewport bottom position
  • w (number) The viewport width
  • h (number) The viewport height


Get the current projection of the camera.


  • camera_id (hash|url|nil) nil for the first camera


  • projection (matrix) The current projection


Get the current projection id of the camera.


  • camera_id (hash|url|nil) nil for the first camera


  • projection_id (hash) The current projection id

camera.shake(camera_id, [intensity], [duration], [direction], [cb])

Shake the camera.


  • camera_id (hash|url)
  • intensity (number) - Intensity of the shake, in percent of screen. Defaults to 0.05
  • duration (number) - Duration of the shake, in seconds. Defaults to 0.5
  • direction (hash) - Direction of the shake. Possible values: both, horizontal, vertical. Defaults to both.
  • cb (function) - Function to call when the shake has finished. Optional.


Stop shaking the camera.


  • camera_id (hash|url)

camera.recoil(camera_id, offset, [duration])

Apply a recoil effect to the camera. The recoil will decay using linear interpolation.


  • camera_id (hash|url)
  • offset (vector3) - Offset to apply to the camera. Defaults to 0.05
  • duration (number) - Duration of the recoil, in seconds. Defaults to 0.5


Get the current offset of the camera (caused by shake or recoil)


  • camera_id (hash|url|nil) nil for the first camera


  • offset (vector3) The current offset of the camera


Get the current zoom level of the camera.


  • camera_id (hash|url|nil) nil for the first camera


  • zoom (number) The current zoom of the camera

camera.set_zoom(camera_id, zoom)

Change the zoom level of the camera.


  • camera_id (hash|url|nil) nil for the first camera
  • zoom (number) The new zoom level of the camera

camera.follow(camera_id, target, [options])

Follow a game object.


  • camera_id (hash|url|nil) nil for the first camera
  • target (hash|url) - Game object to follow
  • options (table) - Options (see below)

Acceptable values for the options table:

  • lerp (number) - Lerp from current position to target position with lerp as t.
  • offset (vector3) - Camera offset from target position.
  • horizontal (boolean) - True if following the target along the horizontal axis.
  • vertical (boolean) - True if following the target along the vertical axis.
  • immediate (boolean) - True if the camera should be immediately positioned on the target even when lerping.

camera.follow_offset(camera_id, offset)

Change the camera follow offset.


  • camera_id (hash|url|nil) nil for the first camera
  • offset (vector3) - Camera offset from target position.


Stop following a game object.


  • camera_id (hash|url|nil) nil for the first camera

camera.deadzone(camera_id, left, top, right, bottom)

If following a game object this will add a deadzone around the camera position where the camera position will not update. If the target moves to the edge of the deadzone the camera will start to follow until the target returns within the bounds of the deadzone.


  • camera_id (hash|url|nil) nil for the first camera
  • left (number) - Number of pixels to the left of the camera
  • top (number) - Number of pixels above the camera
  • right (number) - Number of pixels to the right of the camera
  • bottom (number) - Number of pixels below the camera

camera.bounds(camera_id, left, top, right, bottom)

Limits the camera position to within the specified rectangle.


  • camera_id (hash|url|nil) nil for the first camera
  • left (number) - Left edge of the camera bounds
  • top (number) - Top edge of camera bounds
  • right (number) - Right edge of camera bounds
  • bottom (number) - Bottom edge of camera bounds

camera.screen_to_world(camera_id, screen)

Translate screen coordinates to world coordinates, based on the view and projection of the camera.


  • camera_id (hash|url|nil) nil for the first camera
  • screen (vector3) Screen coordinates to convert


  • world_coords (vector3) World coordinates

camera.window_to_world(camera_id, window)

Translate window coordinates to world coordinates, based on the view and projection of the camera.


  • camera_id (hash|url|nil) nil for the first camera
  • window (vector3) Window coordinates to convert


  • world_coords (vector3) World coordinates


Translate screen boundaries (corners) to world coordinates, based on the view and projection of the camera.


  • camera_id (hash|url|nil) nil for the first camera


  • bounds (vector4) Screen bounds (x = left, y = top, z = right, w = bottom)

camera.world_to_screen(camera_id, world, [adjust_mode])

Translate world coordinates to screen coordinates, based on the view and projection of the camera, optionally taking into account an adjust mode. This is useful when manually culling game objects and you need to determine if a world coordinate will be visible or not. It can also be used to position gui nodes on top of game objects.


  • camera_id (hash|url|nil) nil for the first camera
  • world (vector3) World coordinates to convert
  • adjust_mode (number) One of gui.ADJUST_FIT, gui.ADJUST_ZOOM and gui.ADJUST_STRETCH, or nil to not take into account the adjust mode.


  • screen_coords (vector3) Screen coordinates

camera.world_to_window(camera_id, world)

Translate world coordinates to window coordinates, based on the view and projection of the camera.


  • camera_id (hash|url|nil) nil for the first camera
  • world (vector3) World coordinates to convert


  • window_coords (vector3) Window coordinates

camera.unproject(view, projection, screen)

Translate screen coordinates to world coordinates using the specified view and projection.


  • view (matrix4)
  • projection (matrix4)
  • screen (vector3) Screen coordinates to convert


  • world_coords (vector3) Note: Same v3 object as passed in as argument

camera.project(view, projection, world)

Translate world coordinates to screen coordinates using the specified view and projection.


  • view (matrix4)
  • projection (matrix4)
  • world (vector3) World coordinates to convert


  • screen_coords (vector3) Note: Same v3 object as passed in as argument

camera.add_projector(projector_id, projector_fn)

Add a custom projector that can be used by cameras in your project (see configuration above).


  • projector_id (hash) - Id of the projector. Used as a value in the projection field of the camera script.
  • projector_fn (function) - The function to call when a projection matrix is needed for the camera. The function will receive the id, near_z and far_z values of the camera.

camera.use_projector(camera_id, projector_id)

Set a specific projector for a camera. This must be either one of the predefined projectors (see above) or a custom projector added using camera.add_projector().


  • camera_id (hash|url|nil) nil for the first camera
  • projector_id (hash) - Id of the projector.


Set window scaling factor (basically retina or no retina screen). There is no built-in way to detect if Defold is running on a retina or non retina screen. This information combined with the High DPI setting in game.project can be used to ensure that the zoom behaves the same way regardless of screen type and High DPI setting. You can use an extension such as DefOS to get the window scaling factor.


  • scaling_factor (number) - Current window scaling factor


Get the current window size. The default values will be the ones specified in game.project.


  • width (number) - Current window width.
  • height (number) - Current window height.


Get the display size, as specified in game.project.


  • width (number) - Display width.
  • height (number) - Display height.

The Orthographic Camera API - messages

Most of the functions of the API have message equivalents that can be sent to the camera component.


Message equivalent to camera.shake(). Accepted message keys: intensity, duration and direction."camera", "shake", { intensity = 0.05, duration = 2.5, direction = "both" })


Message equivalent to camera.stop_shaking()."camera", "stop_shaking")


Message equivalent to camera.recoil(). Accepted message keys: offset and duration."camera", "recoil", { offset = vmath.vector3(100, 100, 0), duration = 0.75 })


Message sent back to the sender of a shake message when the shake has completed.


Message equivalent to camera.follow(). Accepted message keys: target, lerp, horizontal, vertical, immediate, offset."camera", "follow", { target = hash("player"), lerp = 0.7, horizontal = true, vertical = false, immediate = true })


Message equivalent to camera.follow_offset(). Accepted message keys: offset."camera", "follow_offset", { offset = vmath.vector3(150, 250, 0) })


Message equivalent to camera.unfollow()."camera", "unfollow")


Message equivalent to camera.deadzone(). Accepted message keys: left, right, bottom and top."camera", "deadzone", { left = 10, right = 200, bottom = 10, top = 100 })


Message equivalent to camera.bounds(). Accepted message keys: left, right, bottom and top."camera", "bounds", { left = 10, right = 200, bottom = 10, top = 100 })


Message equivalent to camera.zoom_to(). Accepted message keys: zoom."camera", "zoom_to", { zoom = 2.5 })


Enable the camera. While the camera is enabled it will update it's view and projection and send these to the render script."camera", "enable")


Disable the camera."camera", "disable")


Set which projection to use."camera", "use_projection", { projection = hash("FIXED_AUTO") })