Clockit is an CLI tool to tracking work hours
$ git clone
- WORK_HOURS_PER_DAY = quantity of hours worked per day
$ yarn
$ npm install
$ chmod +x ./bin/clkit
$ npm test
$ clkit init start cli, setting up database, configs, etc
$ clkit in start work for current day
$ clkit lin breaks for lunch
$ clkit lout returns to work after lunch
$ clkit out stops work for current day
$ clkit status summary of work for current day
$ clkit clear clear all clocks from current day
$ clkit help summary of commands
- summary per period
- displays red/green when work hours on current day diverges from configuration
- put confirmation on each clockin (you are clockin for lunch at 12:00, are you sure? yes/no)
- use -y/-f for force clockin without ask confirmation
- overwrite any clockin already setted for the day
- adds notes to day
- export/import data (for backup/restore purpose)