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Realignment filter
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davidbenjamin committed Apr 24, 2018
1 parent 36eb37f commit 3eeef83
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Expand Up @@ -2,11 +2,12 @@

import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.engine.filters.ReadFilter;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.SimpleInterval;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.Utils;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.iterators.ReadFilteringIterator;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.*;

* Wrapper around ReadsDataSource that presents reads overlapping a specific interval to a client,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,4 +100,35 @@ public Iterator<GATKRead> iterator() {
dataSource.query(interval) :
new ReadFilteringIterator(dataSource.query(interval), readFilter);

* Create a map of reads overlapping {@code interval} to their mates by looking for all possible mates within some
* maximum fragment size. This is not guaranteed to find all mates, in particular near structural variant breakpoints
* where mates may align far away.
* The algorithm is:
* 1) make two maps of read name --> read for reads overlapping {@code interval}, one for first-of-pair reads and one
* for second-of-pair reads.
* 2) For all reads in an expanded interval padded by {@code fragmentSize} on both sides look for a read of the same
* that is second-of-pair if this read is first-of-pair or vice-versa. If such a read is found then this is that read's mate.
* @param fragmentSize the maximum distance on either side of {@code interval} to look for mates.
* @return a map of reads ot their mates for all reads for which a mate could be found.
public Map<GATKRead, GATKRead> getReadToMateMap(final int fragmentSize) {
final Map<String, GATKRead> readOnes = new HashMap<>();
final Map<String, GATKRead> readTwos = new HashMap<>(); -> (read.isFirstOfPair() ? readOnes : readTwos).put(read.getName(), read));

final Map<GATKRead, GATKRead> result = new HashMap<>();
final SimpleInterval expandedInterval = new SimpleInterval(interval.getContig(), Math.max(1, interval.getStart() - fragmentSize), interval.getEnd() + fragmentSize); -> {
final GATKRead read = (mate.isFirstOfPair() ? readTwos : readOnes).get(mate.getName());
if (read != null) {
result.put(read, mate);

return result;
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@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@

import htsjdk.samtools.CigarElement;
import htsjdk.samtools.CigarOperator;
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMFlag;
import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.Allele;
import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.VariantContext;
import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.VariantContextBuilder;
import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.writer.VariantContextWriter;
import htsjdk.variant.vcf.VCFHeader;
import htsjdk.variant.vcf.VCFHeaderLine;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableInt;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair;
import org.broadinstitute.barclay.argparser.Argument;
import org.broadinstitute.barclay.argparser.ArgumentCollection;
import org.broadinstitute.barclay.argparser.CommandLineProgramProperties;
import org.broadinstitute.barclay.argparser.ExperimentalFeature;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.cmdline.StandardArgumentDefinitions;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.engine.FeatureContext;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.engine.ReadsContext;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.engine.ReferenceContext;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.engine.VariantWalker;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.Trilean;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.bwa.BwaMemAlignment;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.GATKVCFConstants;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.GATKVCFHeaderLines;
import picard.cmdline.programgroups.VariantFilteringProgramGroup;

import java.util.*;

* <p>Filter false positive alignment artifacts from a VCF callset.</p>
* <p>
* FilterAlignmentArtifacts identifies alignment artifacts, that is, apparent variants due to reads being mapped to the wrong genomic locus.
* </p>
* <p>
* Alignment artifacts can occur whenever there is sufficient sequence similarity between two or more regions in the genome
* to confuse the alignment algorithm. This can occur when the aligner for whatever reason overestimate how uniquely a read
* maps, thereby assigning it too high of a mapping quality. It can also occur through no fault of the aligner due to gaps in
* the reference, which can also hide the true position to which a read should map. By using a good alignment algorithm
* (the GATK wrapper of BWA-MEM), giving it sensitive settings (which may have been impractically slow for the original
* bam alignment) and mapping to the best available reference we can avoid these pitfalls. The last point is especially important:
* one can (and should) use a BWA-MEM index image corresponding to the best reference, regardless of the reference to which
* the bam was aligned.
* </p>
* <p>
* This tool is featured in the Somatic Short Mutation calling Best Practice Workflow.
* See <a href="">Tutorial#11136</a> for a
* step-by-step description of the workflow and <a href="">Article#11127</a>
* for an overview of what traditional somatic calling entails. For the latest pipeline scripts, see the
* <a href="">Mutect2 WDL scripts directory</a>.
* </p>
* <p>
* The bam input to this tool should be the reassembly bamout produced by HaplotypeCaller or Mutect2 in the process of generating
* the input callset. The original bam will also work but might fail to filter some indels. The reference passed with the -R argument
* but be the reference to which the input bam was realigned. This does not need to correspond to the reference of the BWAS-MEM
* index image. The latter should be derived from the best available reference, for example hg38 in humans as of February 2018.
* </p>
* <h3>Usage example</h3>
* <pre>
* gatk FilterAlignmentArtifacts \
* -R hg19.fasta
* -V somatic.vcf.gz \
* -I somatic_bamout.bam \
* --bwa-mem-index-image hg38.index_image \
* -O filtered.vcf.gz
* </pre>
summary = "Filter alignment artifacts from a vcf callset.",
oneLineSummary = "Filter alignment artifacts from a vcf callset.",
programGroup = VariantFilteringProgramGroup.class
public class FilterAlignmentArtifacts extends VariantWalker {
@Argument(fullName = StandardArgumentDefinitions.OUTPUT_LONG_NAME,
doc="The output filtered VCF file", optional=false)
private final String outputVcf = null;

public static final int DEFAULT_INDEL_START_TOLERANCE = 5;
public static final String INDEL_START_TOLERANCE_LONG_NAME = "indel-start-tolerance";
doc="Max distance between indel start of aligned read in the bam and the variant in the vcf", optional=true)
private int indelStartTolerance = DEFAULT_INDEL_START_TOLERANCE;

public static final int DEFAULT_FRAGMENT_SIZE = 1000;
public static final String FRAGMENT_SIZE_LONG_NAME = "fragment-size";
@Argument(fullName = FRAGMENT_SIZE_LONG_NAME,
doc="Distance away from variant to look for reads' mates.", optional=true)
private int fragmentSize = DEFAULT_FRAGMENT_SIZE;

public static final int DEFAULT_MIN_MAPPING_QUALITY = 20;
public static final String MIN_MAPPING_QUALITY_LONG_NAME = "min-mapping-quality";
doc="Ignore reads with mapping quality less than this", optional=true)
private int minMappingQuality = DEFAULT_MIN_MAPPING_QUALITY;

public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_FAILED_REALIGNMENTS = 3;
public static final String MAX_FAILED_REALIGNMENTS_LONG_NAME = "max-failed-realignments";
doc="Maximum number of failed read realignments before a variant is rejected.", optional=true)
private int maxFailedRealignments = DEFAULT_MAX_FAILED_REALIGNMENTS;

public static final String SUFFICIENT_GOOD_REALIGNMENTS_LONG_NAME = "sufficient-good-realignments";
doc="Sufficient number of good read realignments to accept a variant.", optional=true)
private int sufficientGoodRealignments = DEFAULT_SUFFICIENT_GOOD_REALIGNMENTS;

protected RealignmentArgumentCollection realignmentArgumentCollection = new RealignmentArgumentCollection();

private VariantContextWriter vcfWriter;
private Realigner realigner;

public boolean requiresReads() { return true; }

public void onTraversalStart() {
realigner = new Realigner(realignmentArgumentCollection);
vcfWriter = createVCFWriter(new File(outputVcf));

final VCFHeader inputHeader = getHeaderForVariants();
final Set<VCFHeaderLine> headerLines = new HashSet<>(inputHeader.getMetaDataInSortedOrder());
final VCFHeader vcfHeader = new VCFHeader(headerLines, inputHeader.getGenotypeSamples());

public Object onTraversalSuccess() {
return "SUCCESS";

public void apply(final VariantContext vc, final ReadsContext readsContext, final ReferenceContext refContext, final FeatureContext fc) {
Trilean passesFilter = Trilean.UNKNOWN;

if (vc.getNAlleles() == 1) {
passesFilter = Trilean.TRUE;

final MutableInt failedRealignmentCount = new MutableInt(0);
final MutableInt succeededRealignmentCount = new MutableInt(0);

final Map<GATKRead, GATKRead> mates = realignmentArgumentCollection.dontUseMates ? null
: readsContext.getReadToMateMap(fragmentSize);

for (final GATKRead read : readsContext) {
if (passesFilter != Trilean.UNKNOWN) {
} else if (read.getMappingQuality() < minMappingQuality || !supportsVariant(read, vc)) {

// First check the read itself. If it maps uniquely we don't need to bother with the mate
final Realigner.RealignmentResult readRealignment = realigner.realign(read);

// if there's no mate we go by the read realignment
if (mates == null || !mates.containsKey(read)) {
(readRealignment.isGood() ? succeededRealignmentCount : failedRealignmentCount).increment();
} else {
// check whether the pair maps uniquely
final GATKRead mate = mates.get(read);
final Realigner.RealignmentResult mateRealignment = realigner.realign(mate);

final List<BwaMemAlignment> readRealignments = readRealignment.getRealignments();
final List<BwaMemAlignment> mateRealignments = mateRealignment.getRealignments();

// note that we realigned the original aligned bases of the read and mate, not the raw sequenced bases
// thus one of them has been reverse-complemented and we look for pairs that map to the same strand
final List<Pair<BwaMemAlignment, BwaMemAlignment>> plausiblePairs =
.flatMap(r ->
.filter(m -> m.getRefId() == r.getRefId())
.filter(m -> Math.abs(m.getRefStart() - r.getRefStart()) < realignmentArgumentCollection.maxReasonableFragmentLength)
.filter(m -> SAMFlag.READ_REVERSE_STRAND.isSet(m.getSamFlag()) == SAMFlag.READ_REVERSE_STRAND.isSet(r.getSamFlag()))
.map(m -> new Pair<BwaMemAlignment, BwaMemAlignment>(r,m)))

if (plausiblePairs.size() <= 1) {
} else {
plausiblePairs.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(pair -> -pairScore(pair)) );
final int scoreDiff = pairScore(plausiblePairs.get(0)) - pairScore(plausiblePairs.get(1));
if (scoreDiff >= realignmentArgumentCollection.minAlignerScoreDifference) {
} else {

if (failedRealignmentCount.intValue() > maxFailedRealignments) {
passesFilter = Trilean.FALSE;
} else if (succeededRealignmentCount.intValue() >= sufficientGoodRealignments) {
passesFilter = Trilean.TRUE;

// if we haven't decided yet due to too few supporting reads, fail if there are more failures than successes
passesFilter = passesFilter != Trilean.UNKNOWN ? passesFilter :
Trilean.of(failedRealignmentCount.intValue() <= succeededRealignmentCount.intValue());

vcfWriter.add(passesFilter == Trilean.TRUE ? vc : new VariantContextBuilder(vc).filter(GATKVCFConstants.ALIGNMENT_ARTIFACT_FILTER_NAME).make());

private static int pairScore(final Pair<BwaMemAlignment, BwaMemAlignment> pair) {
return pair.getFirst().getAlignerScore() + pair.getSecond().getAlignerScore();

public void closeTool() {
if ( vcfWriter != null ) {

private boolean supportsVariant(final GATKRead read, final VariantContext vc) {
final byte[] readBases = read.getBasesNoCopy();

final int variantPositionInRead = ReadUtils.getReadCoordinateForReferenceCoordinate(read.getSoftStart(), read.getCigar(),
vc.getStart(), ReadUtils.ClippingTail.RIGHT_TAIL, true);
if ( variantPositionInRead == ReadUtils.CLIPPING_GOAL_NOT_REACHED || AlignmentUtils.isInsideDeletion(read.getCigar(), variantPositionInRead)) {
return false;

for (final Allele allele : vc.getAlternateAlleles()) {
final int referenceLength = vc.getReference().length();
if (allele.length() == referenceLength) { // SNP or MNP -- check whether read bases match variant allele bases
if (allele.basesMatch(ArrayUtils.subarray(readBases, variantPositionInRead, Math.min(variantPositionInRead + allele.length(), readBases.length)))) {
return true;
} else { // indel -- check if the read has the right CIGAR operator near position -- we don't require exact an exact match because indel representation is non-unique
final boolean isDeletion = allele.length() < referenceLength;
int readPosition = 0; // offset by 1 because the variant position is one base before the first indel base
for (final CigarElement cigarElement : read.getCigarElements()) {
if (Math.abs(readPosition - variantPositionInRead) <= indelStartTolerance) {
if (isDeletion && mightSupportDeletion(cigarElement) || !isDeletion && mightSupportInsertion(cigarElement)) {
return true;
} else {
readPosition += cigarElement.getLength();
return false;

private static boolean mightSupportDeletion(final CigarElement cigarElement) {
final CigarOperator cigarOperator = cigarElement.getOperator();
return cigarOperator == CigarOperator.D || cigarOperator == CigarOperator.S;

private final static boolean mightSupportInsertion(final CigarElement cigarElement) {
final CigarOperator cigarOperator = cigarElement.getOperator();
return cigarOperator == CigarOperator.I || cigarOperator == CigarOperator.S;

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