This document consists of two main parts:
- Guide for feature usage - how to use particular feature
- Configuration of Obsystent - before first use you many need to set up Obsystent.
To use any of the feature you need to press microphone icon on right bottom and say a voice command. That's it.
For every command there are many synonims supported so you don't have to say exactly the same phrase as described in this guide. To see full example list of possible valid commands visit this link.
Your mobile phone needs access to Internet and be in Ojbectivity internal network - simply connect to any WiFi network in the office (objguest is also ok) or you can use Cisco - AnyConnect VPN app for Android to use outside office.
First you need find free room. Say: Wyszukaj wolną salkę na 5 minut. Of coure you can give any duration like pół godziny, godzinę, 2 godziny, 3 minuty. Then application will show you free rooms.
After that you can say Zarezerwój pokój Hotel or Zarezerwój pokój cztery trzydzieści siedem and Obsystent will create "Ad hoc" meeting in this room as you would manually do it in Outlook. Sit down and feel comfortable, you have reservation now.
You just need say: Zaraportuj 3 piętra. Of course you can give any number.
- My tasks
The best is to use Obsystent in front of paper task board but if you don't have any you can see your VSTS tasks by saying Pokaż moje zadania
This step is optional.
- Change status
To change task status say Zadanie dziewięć jest w trakcie or Zadanie dziewięć jest nie zaczęte or Zadanie dziewięć jest zrobione. If task has a long number you can refer to it by tag by saying Zadanie B12 jest w trakcie. A tag is a standard VSTS tag put on particular task. The only requirement is that tag has to be in format [Big letter][Numbers] like: A1, B22, D33.
- Revert
To revert / undo last action done in Obsystent on VSTS just say cofnij ostatnie and task will be reverted to previous state (status, asigned person), so you don't have to worry about mistakes.
- Assign task to person
You can assign task to some else by saying Zadanie dziewięć przypisz do Marka or "Zadanie B12 przypisz do Piotrka*. Yes, tags are also allowed. For this MVP the list of people is predefined to Marek, Piotrek, Arek, Mateusz, Łukasz. Please vote for our project to allow us to add configuration panel.
In settings menu you should fill section related to feature you are interested for. To use Booking you don't need to set anything in configuration. To use SCC you need only fill in our credentials (the same which are used in website.) If you want use VSTS please fill VSTS section, but if not needed it is perfectly fine to leave it blank.
See subsections for more detailed information per feature
To use Booking you don't need to set anything in configuration, on first use a new Browser window will pop-up and ask you for you domain credentials.
To use SCC it is esential to fill your nick and credentials used to login into SCC website.
Obsystent needs Access Token in order to access your VSTS task board.
To Generate new token please do the following:
A generated token is a long string, best it is to send it via e-mail to mobile phone and paste to Obsystent app.
In field VSTS Project name put name of project. In field VSTS Organization put organization name. You can find those values on your VSTS, for me it looks like here: