This is a simple WebRTC project, where you can publish a webcam video in one browser (caller) to another (callee). This project is following this article. It's a good article, but you are required to deploy your app to a separate server, then access it from 2 different laptop or PCs. And since I'm very new to WebRTC, I create this, so I can understand:
- The flow of data when one browser calls another browser through our Phoenix server,
- What functions need to be written in javascript in order one browser calls and broadcasts a video to another browser,
- What functions need to be written in javascript in order one browser could accepts call and streams from other browser.
To start this Phoenix app:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
- Install Node.js dependencies with
npm install
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phoenix.server
How to play:
- Visit
from 2 browser instances. - In 1st browser click "Goto Caller Page", and
- On the 2nd browser click "Goto Callee Page",
- On Caller Page, click on Connect then Call, now you can see the video of your cam also appears in Callee Page.
Screen shoot: