App for playing chess just by sending a link.
This app highlights the legal moves to be played and validates that the player sent a legal move before updating the board.
I was thinking about how someone might go about structuring a board and its pieces. I started with a few tests and eventually ended up with a whole working board.
A live version of the site can be found at lets-play-chess.
1. Click Create Game
2. Send link to opponent and wait for them to join.
3. By default the creator of the game is white, but team colors can be swapped before a game begins.
4. Once you and your opponent are ready click to begin the game.
5. Click a piece to see its possible moves, click an empty space if you wish to dehighlight moves.
1. You may refresh your tab if an issue is occuring, but do not close the tab. Your user id is stored in session storage to make sure when a move is played it is coming from the correct person and not a cheater. Rejoining the link will open up as a spectator.
2. Special rules: Moves like en passant and castling are implemented, however stalling out for a draw is not.