Emma-Ō, King and Judge of Hell judges your cloud infrastructure. Read about his former life here: http://www.brooklynmuseum.org/opencollection/objects/106257/Emma_-_o_King_and_Judge_of_Hell/
- A http://www.temboo.com account and a TembooAccount.h file to store your Temboo creds
- Access to a 3D printer with transparent blue-ish PLA plastic and opaque black PLA plastic
- An Arduino Yún
- Two 10mmLEDs of the low-voltage variety. Blue and red were used for this project
- An ethernet connection to a DHCP-enabled network and ethernet cable
- A USB wall adapter and micro-usb cable
In the emma_ohnoes.ino file, change the targetUrl variable to the site you want to check the availability for, or a custom AWS health check page to check on specific infrastructure metrics (See: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/health-checks-creating-deleting.html#health-checks-creating). If the URL returns any other HTTP status code except 200 OK, Emma O will start pulsing a furious red, otherwise he'll glow a serene blue.
Plug it in, give it a few minutes until Emma-Ō turns blue, then wait for US-EAST-1 to start failwhaling to see Emma-Ō turn red.
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