I'm an HPC Systems Engineer and Master Technologist at Hewlett Packard Enterprise. I've started my career building and running IT shops, and supporting websites (Magnet Interactive) before people even knew that was a thing. I moved on to a startup which invented a new class of low power, high density servers called Server Blades (RLX Technologies) which was then bought by Hewlett Packard (now Hewlett Packard Enterprise.)
At HPE, I continued to build new networking technologies, helped build out more high density server solutions named Moonshot and Edgeline. In 2021, I made the jumb from lower power/high density to...well...the opposite, joining the Cray high performance computing group building super computers.
- Golang
- Exploring Open Source Document Management Systems
- Building tools to help HPE's HPC customers to better manage and support their Shasta clusters