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Android Camera Module


Titanium View with the background image sourced directly from the Android camera.

This module is not actively maintained. If you like using it and want to contribute that would be great, and very much appreciated. If you are looking for more features, check out flashcam from Ricardo Pereira. Ricardo has cloned version 0.6.4 and will be adding methods for flash, torch, and possibly much more.

Accessing the custom-android-camera Module

To access this module from JavaScript, you would do the following:

var androidcamera = require("pw.custom.androidcamera");

The androidcamera variable is a reference to the Module object.


The cameraview takes the same properties and methods as the standard titanium view.

createCameraView (method)

Create a new instance of the camera view. The method takes a dictionary of the following arguments:


  • save_location (String) - Directory to save the image in. DEFAULT = "camera". CREATION ONLY.
  • useFrontCamera (Boolean) - Use the front camera or not. DEFAULT = false. CREATION ONLY.
  • pictureTimeout (Integer) - Integer to indicate how long to wait (milliseconds) before restarting the preview after a picture has been taken. A negative number (or 0) will result in the preview not restarting. DEFAULT = 1000. CREATION ONLY.
  • resolutionNamed (Integer) - Resolution for the camera and preview. Use one of these constants. Default is RESOLUTION_LOW. CREATION ONLY.

takePicture (method)

Capture the image currently on screen and save to the filesystem

picture_taken (event)

Returns a dictionary containing the following:

  • path - location of the image on the filesystem

Resolution Constants

  • RESOLUTION_HIGH - Use the highest resolution available on the device
  • RESOLUTION_LOW - Use the lowest resolution available on the device
  • RESOLUTION_SCREEN - Try to match the views resolution for the picture
  • RESOLUTION_480 - Set the resolution to 720*480 (or as close as possible)
  • RESOLUTION_720 - Set the resolution to 1280*720 (or as close as possible)
  • RESOLUTION_1080 - Set the resolution to 1920*1080 (or as close as possible)


The following permissions need to be added to the manifest tag in tiapp.xml

<!-- Camera Permissions -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
<uses-feature android:name=""/>
<uses-feature android:name=""/>

Then, to use the module in app, do something like the following:

var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
	navBarHidden: true,
	fullscreen: true,
win.orientationModes = [Ti.UI.PORTRAIT];;

function showCamera() {
	var androidcamera = require("pw.custom.androidcamera");
	var camera = androidcamera.createCameraView({
		save_location: "my_app",
		useFrontCamera: true,
		pictureTimeout: 200,
		resolutionNamed: androidcamera.RESOLUTION_480
	var btSnap = Ti.UI.createButton({
		title: "Capture",
		bottom: "10dp",
		height: "80dp",
		width: "80dp",
		zIndex: 2

	btSnap.addEventListener("click", function(){

	camera.addEventListener("picture_taken", function(evt){
		alert("Image saved to "+evt.path);

	win.addEventListener("close", function(){
		camera = null;


if( Ti.Media.isCameraSupported ) {
	if (Ti.Media.hasCameraPermissions()) {
	} else { 
	    Ti.Media.requestCameraPermissions(function(e) {
            if (e.success === true) {
            } else {
                alert("Access denied, error: " + e.error);
} else {
	alert("No camera found!");


Version 0.6.6: Updated to support Ti SDK 6.0.1.GA at a minimum

Version 0.6.3: Added the ability to change the desired resolution for the camera (and match it with the preview) when the view is created.

Version 0.6.1: Added ability to restart preview after x number of milliseconds after a picture is taken.

Version 0.5: Removed potential crash when the app is resumed while the camera view is open. Added ability to pick camera when creating view (useFrontCamera).


Michael Browne Email @brownemint


  • To switch between cameras, remove the current camera from the window, null it and recreate the camera view with the opposite useFrontCamera boolean and add it back to the window.
  • Don't forget to check out Jonathon Carter's CameraView for something similar for iOS


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